Jonathan Decker from United States  [3 posts]
8 year
point me to how would i tie this system in to Linuxcnc, im thinking path mapping/ some kind of line following. i have a big CNC plasma and do a lot of template work, now i take the templates pic and trace it in inkscape and them size it in draftsight, then convert it to g-code. would be nice if i could trace template on to new sheet and then let roborealm control linuxcnc and follow the trace with the cutting too. maybe an Ethernet interface?    
Steven Gentner from United States  [273 posts] 8 year

While it is possible to do its a bit tricky to generate straight G-code. I've attached a similar transformation that we used to create SVG code (not unlike G-code) from a given image. It uses a simple threshold to create the outline but does show how to convert bitmap image to vector based. Perhaps it can be of some help.



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