5053 threads
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vb script
i am having problem with the vb script program.  i want to make a simple ball following robot using vision processing...
12 year 2 1924
VB script
Hallo I am trying te make a script to scroll through the object. I have 7 objects, but i can not ch...
8 year 3 1927
VB Script
I want to process an image and display the result as pass or fail depending on the area of blob remains. I have problem with VB ...
8 year 4 2293
VB Program help
Dear Stevens, Thank you very much for your help on IF_Statement module and call function module. I ...
8 year 2 2940
VB - Getting the captured image into a picture
I see how to save an image to file using VB. I don't see how to get the pixels into a picture box or image box. Can you...
18 year 2 4518
hi^_^ i am currently trying the API examples download from this site. im having trouble running it. two error occu...
13 year 4 2016
Variables, Auto-Play, Save of Shape-Match Train
Hello, i bought Roborealm today and I have similar problems... :) Firs...
10 year 7 3213
Variables don't change for motors?
I'm trying to get my robot to change motor values via voice command. But its not working. The sabe...
16 year 2 4250
hello, does roborealm have a feature wherein it would keep track of all the variables that are displayed and store them in an ar...
15 year 1 1725
Hi, I am using the following code to get some values in mach3 cnc application ,but not getting the values and giv...
8 year 2 1820
Variable Values on VBScript
Hello, I am doing a visual odometry for 3 robots with a camera (determinate the X,Y,theta - positio...
15 year 14 6956
Variable time limit?
How would i tell roborealm to do something for x amount of time. Example, Tell move=16 for 5 seconds. Then wait 5 Seconds....
15 year 14 5527
Variable Oscillation
How can I make a variable oscillate on and off for a time limit in vbscript. I know you can use SetTimedVariable but im not sure...
15 year 2 2035
Variable Math
Can I do var = "var"-"var" in vbscript? I cannot figure out how to do this, but maybe I'm just missing it....
17 year 5 2454
Variable control for sobel edge detection
Hi Steven, I find the option to adjust the sobel edge detection based on edge strength very useful....
11 year 2 1956
variable control feature
Hi STeven, I would like to suggest for the call module to have a variable control feature. For exam...
11 year 3 3082
Variable Affine
Hello, i wonder if anyone could help, i am trying to put variable inputs into an affine command. it...
16 year 3 1810
Hello every body, i have a problem with a variable I use to comunicate with an microcontroller. In fact I have a m...
11 year 2 1763
Hi I have another question: I use set_variables to set variable "command" of value "Pose 1" (which is from lynxmotion_seq in...
15 year 8 4474
Vantec RET411P
Vantec RET411P OR, what if I used a DC motor and this: Vantec RET411P OR, what if I used a DC motor and this: ...
12 year 4 2468

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