5053 threads
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using mindstorms 2.0 with a generic ir device
i've been thinking about building a robot arm and i want to use my old mindstorms stuff to build the shoulder and elbow...
17 year 2 2323
using ip camera "onvif protocol" as camera source
Is there any way to let roborealm use my ip camera as camera source ?...
10 year 5 2461
using if statement module
Hi, I have a question in using if statement module. I have used different modules in...
15 year 4 4685
Using DVR as input
Hi i have a 16ch DVR, and most of them use the same interface so i normal go to the ip ex and i get ask the user a...
16 year 2 2435
using different modules in pipe line
Hi, I want to use different modules in pipe line for different aims but still some of the modules m...
15 year 2 2740
using C# and Roborealm
Hello all, I am trying to put together a c# program that only needs to receive a bit...
9 year 2 1909
Using Blob Tracking module for image match?
Hello, I'm not sure if this is possible but it seems it might be.  Suppose a cat moves i...
15 year 3 6393
using axis M1011-W network camera
Hi, I purchased an Axis M1011-W network camera and I want to process its video stream in roboRealm....
15 year 3 2837
Using AVM to go to a location, perform a task, then go to another
I am in the process of incorporating the AVM module in my application and have reached one of those "I really don't know how t...
13 year 2 2768
Using Arrays element as coordinate in Sample_Color
I would like to use Array elements as coordinates in the Sample_Color function but cannot get it to work.  Usually cra...
13 year 3 3280
using a counter for setvariable
I would like to SetVariable "left_motor" and "right_motor" until e.g. the robot moves 3m forward and then turns right then f...
11 year 2 1727
using a axon microcontroller
i heard from another forum that you might have a interface to the axon microcontroller,do you know  when that will be...
16 year 4 3480
Username / Password Issue
Hello,   I have installed the latest Roborealm v1.8.24.0.  When trying to conne...
16 year 10 8606
Use YUY2 compression by default
2 questions: Is it possible to force RR to use YUY2 compression by default, instead of other availa...
14 year 2 2429
use webcam
can RR use with another type/brand of webcam. maybe like ordinary webcam....
15 year 3 1919
Use voice commands to control roborealm
I am trying to use voice commands to control RoboRealm with the API program. For example, if the user of my project says "Turn...
15 year 2 3935
use the roborealm to read DataMatrix
STeven, How are you. I have bought the software and used it to read the information ...
10 year 2 2094
Use RR from LabWindows
Hi, I saw that's possible use RR from my own program through API! My question is: Is possible use...
15 year 1 2260
use one of two cropped windows
hi Steven, Is there a way to choose a cropped window from a choice of two...
13 year 3 1988
Use of Kinect Module in FRC
Hello, We are using the a Kinect on our robot for this year's FRC game. It has been tracking fine, however, every...
12 year 4 3561

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