5053 threads
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vanishing point with obstacle avoidance tutorial
hey there Steven I was hoping if you can provide the tutorial for vanishing point navigation with o...
13 year 2 2054
Vanishing point plus lateral displacement?
    I plan on using vanishing point as a reference for the RSSC Hallway contest in October. &nb...
17 year 1 2255
Vanishing Point Detection for Vex Navigation
Hey Folks, I am including a link to a Youtube.com video I posted.  I used RoboRealm's Vanishing Point m...
16 year 1 2038
v2.48.3 FAILS obj recognition
Hi, we have just bought the last version but it completely fails obj recognition. The same robofile that works great for 2.47.12...
12 year 2 1744
v 2.80.50
I just upgraded to v 2.80.50 and RR is not interfacing with (recognizing) camera. All was perfect before upgrade. Suggestions? ...
8 year 2 1893
utilisation roborealm avec interface polulu (servo pan hilt)
bonjour il y a t'il des francophones qui utilisent Roborealm ? je souhaiterai l'utilisé pour un...
13 year 1 1727
Using "SPEAK" interactively via HTML Camera Interface
I wrote a script to generate audio when the camera is moved via the web interface ("Down!", "Up!", etc...), and made some co...
16 year 7 2252
Using "Eliminate Global Flow" in the Optical_Flow Module
Hello, I would like to use the Optical Flow module to track a moving object even when the camera it...
15 year 11 5497
Using wireless signal strength as variable
Hi! I am using a CoroWare CoroBot for a project. I would like to use wireless signal strength as a variable. Is there a way to g...
14 year 3 2098
using weights
Hi, I´m using the blob filter module to give a blob the highest weight. Now, the blob with the high...
11 year 2 2822
Using webcams and simulated webcams in MSRS together with RoboRealm
Hi, I'm using MSRS together with RoboRealm. I have two webcams and two or more simulated w...
17 year 5 2736
Using Web Interface in Windows Mobile
HI all, again :D I'm trying to use WebInterface on my PDA running windows mobile 5.0
17 year 3 2859
Using Visual Basic in RoboRealm
Hi everbody, I have got a problem at using visual basic in roborealm. Before I write down my problem I wan...
17 year 2 2686
Using variables to load specific files
I'm using the Object Recognition Module. Once my object is detected, I want to be able to open the same detected image, original...
9 year 3 2474
Using variables in Colorize module
Is it possible to use a variable in the value field of the Colorize module? Thanks....
9 year 2 2389
Using Variable in Load Image Module?
Hello, I am trying to have my Program Read in variables from a text file that are image file paths...
8 year 3 2415
Using two different mailboxes, Bluetooth and NXT
Hello Roborelm help forum, I've built myself a self balancing robot with NXT and I've mounted an...
14 year 3 2402
Using two different mailboxes, Bluetooth and NXT
Hello Roborelm help forum, I've built myself a self balancing robot with NXT and I've mounted an...
14 year 0 2624
Using Trial can't try camera?
Hi all, I downloaded trial version of roborealm to learn about that. However, the webcam connected...
12 year 2 1728
Using the reduce colors module from within visual basic .net
Hi all, I am interfacing with roborealm using visual basic .net. How do i run the reduce colors module or filter?...
13 year 4 2286

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