99 posts
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I've searched, and find no reference to printing. I want to print the results of my tests. What would my options...
10 year 3 1730
Buttons [3]
Hi STeven Yes, it does all sound useful. The other day I wanted to knock up a simple alarm interfac...
9 year 3 2484
camera [3]
Thanks. Then I'll probably get colour and mono to test with. I have to...
7 year 3 1822
Cursor hide [3]
It only moves to the periphery, which is good enough, thanks. I tried to cut n paste a number of '...
10 year 3 2496
Hi STeven I have been mulling on sending this for months now, because you I don't want to make extr...
9 year 3 2484
Hi STeven I'm looking at getting this camera to experiment with; ...
7 year 3 1822
Cursor hide
Is there a method to hide the mouse cursor? I will be using physical buttons for all functions, and in kiosk mode...
10 year 3 2496
finding screws [2]
It looks like the best approach is to use 'Object recognition' and not Shape match, nor Image match.
10 year 3 1666
Displaying variables [3]
Yippee, it works ! I can see the variables, and the save with disabled items re-opens ok.
10 year 3 2439
finding screws
Can anyone explain how to best go about using image match? In the attached image, I ...
10 year 3 1666
versions [3]
Thanks STeven Works a treat. Roland ...
9 year 3 1873
Hi STeven Is it possible to have two new system variables? I display t...
9 year 3 1873
Printing [3]
Hi Steven Good to see you're online. Any news on my crashed program? I'm really st...
10 year 3 1730
barcode length [3]
Hi STeven Sorry, I thought I had attached files. The thing is, I thought a two digit code would be ...
9 year 3 2852
refreshing image [3]
Thanks STeven Works great. Regards Roland ...
9 year 3 2609
masking [3]
Ok, thanks for that, but how does one select the image that acts as the mask? On the dropdown selec...
11 year 4 3468
Is there a simple way to integrate the result of a test? When I move my camera to a ...
10 year 4 2680
Hi all My first post here, and new on the program; I'm trying to figu...
11 year 4 3468
Pausing [4]
Of course! Yes, using 'if' I could seperate any command, using any input. Sorry, slow learner... ...
11 year 4 2944
Pausing [3]
Hi Steven Ok, I think I'm still battling with the continous processing concept. I'...
11 year 4 2944

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