99 posts
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serial defaults
Hi STeven Looking at the serial screen, most of the fields are blank. What are these...
9 year 2 3469
No Title
Hi STeven I've tried to ask this before, but still don't understand the answer.............
1 year 2 684
I see that there are two, as in; Write_Variables Write_Variables
10 year 2 1701
Perhaps I just can't find it....... In a complex image, I just want to work on a ce...
10 year 2 2371
null characters
How does one send null characters, ie 0x00 through the serial port in a string? As s...
10 year 2 2453
license recovery
I had RR installed on a Win10 machine, that no longer boots. The drive is accessible if put in another machine as D:\  ...
1 year 2 995
reloading file
How does one get RR to re-load itself,  as in a watchdog timer? Also, if I...
10 year 2 1669
Displaying FPS [2]
It's so easy to workaround, I shouldn't have raised the issue in the first place..... Roland
2 year 2 1910
Waiting for keypress
This is an old thread, but the program does not load. Has the syntax changed since t...
11 year 2 1704
saving versus opening
Just curious; When opening a file, one is presented with the directory list, as usual.
10 year 2 1645
finding screws [2]
It looks like the best approach is to use 'Object recognition' and not Shape match, nor Image match.
10 year 3 1666
Cursor hide
Is there a method to hide the mouse cursor? I will be using physical buttons for all functions, and in kiosk mode...
10 year 3 2496
finding screws
Can anyone explain how to best go about using image match? In the attached image, I ...
10 year 3 1666
versions [3]
Thanks STeven Works a treat. Roland ...
9 year 3 1873
Displaying variables [3]
Yippee, it works ! I can see the variables, and the save with disabled items re-opens ok.
10 year 3 2439
Hi STeven Is it possible to have two new system variables? I display t...
9 year 3 1873
Printing [3]
Hi Steven Good to see you're online. Any news on my crashed program? I'm really st...
10 year 3 1730
barcode length [3]
Hi STeven Sorry, I thought I had attached files. The thing is, I thought a two digit code would be ...
9 year 3 2851
refreshing image [3]
Thanks STeven Works great. Regards Roland ...
9 year 3 2609
Serial receive - order [2]
Ok, I wrote a simple 'if' script to sort them. It would have been nice if I could ...
10 year 3 2534

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