refreshing image
Roland from South Africa  [107 posts]
9 year

If I use the 'load image' function, it seems that it only loads the image once.

I have this image being updated to file by another program, so I want to refresh the loaded image on cue, but I see no way to do this from a program point of view.

If I put the 'load image' within an if-loop, it simply reads the same buffer.

Is there a way?

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year
If you download the latest you will see a new "Reload file on change" checkbox just below the filename field. If that is selected, it will check the date/time stamp and reload if that changes.

Note this has a 1 second resolution so if your file changes more than once a second it will only reload the file at most once a second regardless of fps.

Roland from South Africa  [107 posts] 9 year
Thanks STeven

Works great.


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