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No Title [2]
David, Roborealm can use multiple processors in a single pipeline (in order to speed up processing ... |
10 months | 3 | 607 |
No Title [2]
You have to press the RUN button on top of the main GUI interface. If you don't run the pipeline that module will not receive th... |
1 year | 4 | 732 |
No Title [2]
Maciej, Our apologies, the registration system was failing this morning. It is now fixed. You shoul... |
1 year | 2 | 778 |
Detecting "empty" page [2]
Kresimir, It will largely depend on what it looks like when there is a minimal amount of text on th... |
2 year | 2 | 1106 |
Camera only takes first frame [2]
Francis, Could you post the robofile that you are using in this forum? Its tough to guess what migh... |
2 year | 2 | 1146 |
VBscript module [4]
Christian, Thanks for your robofile. Ignore my earlier post as you are already using the Camera mod... |
2 year | 4 | 1545 |
VBscript module [2]
Christian, What is most likely happening is that you don't have a camera running or anything in the... |
2 year | 4 | 1545 |
RoboRealm resolution [2]
Yes, it appears that your camera is wanting to use the mjpg image format when sending the higher resolution image (which makes s... |
2 year | 2 | 1303 |
OCR resoult [2]
Jay, Probably the easiest way is to use a small VBScript routine to split the result and then compa... |
2 year | 3 | 1253 |
Problems with Calculate_Distance and If_Statement [2]
BE, It is something simple once you realize that the AREA variable is actually an array of areas ev... |
2 year | 2 | 1462 |
no MOUSE_X [2]
Roland, The pipeline expects something in it to trigger a run .. i.e. like a camera capture trigger... |
2 year | 2 | 1796 |
Fonts [2]
Roland, This was added just to help some folks see the RR interface text a bit better but did not c... |
2 year | 2 | 1662 |
Higher FPS [2]
Roland, Typically when we need something to process at a much faster rate a module will run indepen... |
2 year | 2 | 1679 |
RoboRealm TestDll [2]
Christian, If that file is not located where RoboRealm is installed you probably are using the pers... |
2 year | 2 | 1746 |
displaying a number [2]
Roland, You mentioned a different solution on another thread (loading in actual image digits as nee... |
3 year | 2 | 1995 |
3 camera output on single screen [2]
Amardeep, There are several ways to accomplish this. The easiest is to use the Mosaic module which ... |
3 year | 3 | 1849 |
Basler Camera Scan Area Setting [11]
Amar, Double check the actual camera speed by unchecking the Run button to ensure you are not runni... |
3 year | 11 | 2136 |
Basler Camera Scan Area Setting [7]
Amar, sorry, we didn't see your XML post since it was so large it failed to alert us of your post. ... |
3 year | 11 | 2136 |
Basler Camera Scan Area Setting [3]
And anything in the Log tab would be helpful too.... |
3 year | 11 | 2136 |
Basler Camera Scan Area Setting [2]
Amar, What happens when you try to increase the image dimensions beyond 500 on that interface? Do y... |
3 year | 11 | 2136 |
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