Higher FPS
Roland from South Africa  [107 posts]
2 year
I took an i5 machine with a fresh install of Win7Pro

Then I loaded RR. 2.76.1 only, and with no camera or anything else attached, wrote;
if FPS > 20 then
display [FPS]
end if

So not even the screen is used unless FPS needs to be displayed.The highest I could get is 64 FPS.

How can I get this value higher? Since no modules are being run. I would imagine that the FPS should be at least 500 ??

I'd really like to get at least 90 FPS, to process serial data coming in at this speed. Is this possible?

I'm also presuming that the FPS indicates the pipeline speed, and that this equals the processing speed.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 2 year

Typically when we need something to process at a much faster rate a module will run independently of the pipeline to process incoming data (for example the serial module does this) instead of requiring the pipeline to run at the needed polling speed.

So modules that do this will buffer the data to be processed once the pipeline does execute the module.

While it is possible to get 90FPS this will really depend on your system configuration, USB (or ethernet) speed and which modules you have running.

Perhaps you can help us understand the need for this higher frequency?


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