330 posts
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AVM Map dont work [25]
You should just remove Set_Variables module from pipeline and then set NV_FORWARD variable from your external program and furthe...
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [39]
First you should just try to review my simple video tutorial "Route training and navigation by map" on your robot: ...
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [6]
What if you try to train with "AVM Quake 3 mod" for acquaintance with "Marker mode" and "Navigation by map" modes?
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [24]
I had in mind to check status before AVM Navigator in pipeline because after AVM module this value was changed:
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [37]
The double purpose of control variables (in/out functions) is already implemented since as AVM Navigator v0.7.2.3 was released. ...
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [5]
You should use arrow keys for robot control in "Marker mode" (it is important for route recording) but it seems (from your ima...
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [22]
Can you insert "Contents\\Variable\\Watch_Variable" module before AVM Navigator module and check value of NV_FORWARD variable ...
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [35]
>> I'll load it up and try it. Which reminds me, where exactly do I load VBscript? First you...
13 year 38 8002
New DVR Client version is released [3]
New DVR Server v0.3 is released. Changes: - Integrated installer of parametric datab...
12 year 3 6977
New DVR Client version is released [4]
The next update of DVR Client v2.1 is released and you can download it from here: ...
12 year 3 6977
New DVR Client version is released [2]
Finally new DVR Client v2.0 is released and you can download it from here: ...
12 year 3 6977
More for EDV [11]
Now you ready for your robot navigation experiments and DVR Server will work like "black box recorder" in aircraft.
13 year 43 6768
More for EDV [28]
Thank you for the new black box archive I got it. However we could use another file exchange servic...
13 year 43 6768
More for EDV [10]
Now let's configure the DVR Client for displaying of archived variables. You can also make it by y...
13 year 43 6768
More for EDV [23]
================================================= I think that it all that I was able to comment from your recent ...
13 year 43 6768
More for EDV [43]
Okay, I will wait news from you ;-) And I wish you good luck with your robot update!...
13 year 43 6768
More for EDV [9]
Now let's configure list of archive variables in DVR Server module: NV_L_MOTOR, NV_R_MOTOR, NV_TURRET_BALANCE, NV_LOCATION_X, N...
13 year 43 6768
More for EDV [22]
Good object for AVM training is big postcard. You could try it as object for recognition....
13 year 43 6768
More for EDV [39]
You could just try Radmin application trial version for clearing situation with blocking of AVM Navigator (you could make new ex...
13 year 43 6768
More for EDV [8]
>> I have it available. But, I don't exactly know how to use it. But this would make the motors turn more solid and sure?...
13 year 43 6768

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