330 posts
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Now AVM is working faster [109]
Playing with Winky rover that was controlled by AVM Navigator: ...
12 year 117 22563
Now AVM is working faster [5]
>> Hi, how do i update avm navigator. I purchased it last version. You had to receive downloa...
12 year 117 22563
Now AVM is working faster [13]
>> What you mean the program of oculus has what advantages over avm? You said that you have h...
12 year 117 22563
Now AVM is working faster [32]
I noticed that you really have set resolution to 320x240 30 fps in settings of your camera: ...
12 year 117 22563
Now AVM is working faster [53]
>> Are you planning to extend the features of your AVM modules? Yes, I am really planning to ...
12 year 117 22563
Now AVM is working faster [66]
You can find out more about AVM algorithm principle in these topics: ...
12 year 117 22563
Now AVM is working faster [73]
>> 1 What is the value on extreme left in ms, and some value / some value Please note that En...
12 year 117 22563
Now AVM is working faster [91]
The number 00022 is version of IDE that you use but we need in firmware program version number that you have uploaded/burned to ...
12 year 117 22563
Now AVM is working faster [11]
If the motor control variables NV_L_MOTOR and NV_R_MOTOR that have range from -100 to 100 for motion control ("-100 " - full p...
12 year 117 22563
Now AVM is working faster [30]
If your "LifeCam HD-5000" works faster than 25 fps then it is not problem but really would better if you will be able to set i...
12 year 117 22563
Now AVM is working faster [64]
It looks much better :) What variables you use for robot control [NV_L_MOTOR and NV_R_MOTOR] or [NV...
12 year 117 22563
Now AVM is working faster [89]
You should specify some additional information regarding your Arduino controller so that we will be able to help with it:
12 year 117 22563
Face Matching [13]
>> is there any relation between key image size and interest area. i know key image size should be smaller than interest a...
12 year 19 10026
Face Matching [5]
You can use RoboRealm API ( http://www.roborealm.com/d...
12 year 19 10026
Face Matching [3]
It is easy. You should just use "Object recognition mode" in AVM Navigator module. First clear the AVM search tr...
12 year 19 10026
Face Matching [11]
But how it differs from exporting of AVM object data as: "AVM Navigator" -> avm.dat -> RcgExample2.exe that I mentioned ...
12 year 19 10026
Face Matching [20]
The “avm061.dll” file is the implementation of AVM algorithm (it is provided an object recognition only).
12 year 19 10026
Face Matching [18]
I updated "AVM_SDK_simple-net.zip" file and now it has the same "avm061.dll" that have AVM Navigator plugin. So, you should ...
12 year 19 10026
Face Matching [8]
>> But can we train the objects in RcgExample2.exe? You should develop procedure "Learn obje...
12 year 19 10026
Face Matching [16]
You should provide more information for analyzing regarding your situation that will help to understand it:
12 year 19 10026

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