330 posts
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Face Matching [6]
You also can use AVM Navigator as tool for learning of objects with further exporting of AVM object data to "Library AVM SDK si...
12 year 19 9907
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [8]
My e-mail is: "mail.for.edv AT gmail.com" but it would be better to continue our discussion here ;-)
12 year 28 8631
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [6]
I also made couple of experiments with object tracking: ...
12 year 28 8631
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [17]
You already have present servo position value in "turret_v" variable and value of the next position too turret_v + 1 or turret...
12 year 28 8631
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [15]
I noticed also that the value of horizontal and vertical rotation step is only 1 (turret_h = turret_h + 1, turret_v = turret_v +...
12 year 28 8631
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [14]
>> 1) Its easily follow the object I draw on the paper but it hard to follow an object such as pen, bottle cap.. How can I...
12 year 28 8631
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [11]
>> 1) How do you get -128 and 127 value? Is it the value from x and y coordinate.. The servo ...
12 year 28 8631
Face recognition progress [7]
See also topic: http://www.roborealm.com/
12 year 14 8360
Face recognition progress [14]
It is easy. You should just use "Object recognition mode" in AVM Navigator module. First clear the AVM search tr...
12 year 14 8360
Face recognition progress [6]
And what about AVM? It is already working: ht...
12 year 14 8360
AVM Map dont work [15]
Thank you again! I appreciated your creativity :) Do you plan to share video from you...
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [30]
>> I just send my command and look in the variable, NV_FORWARD jumps from 0 to 1 and back again. With the activated AVM Na...
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [13]
Thank you for good idea! I will think over your proposal with named waypoints....
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [29]
All you needed to control AVM Navigator is transmission of "-1" value to variables NV_FIRE, NV_LEFT, NV_RIGHT, NV_FORWARD, NV_...
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [10]
Some variables of AVM Navigator module is used for input (with prefix _IN): NV_IN_SET_MODE - the cu...
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [8]
Unfortunately but now there is no way for notification of AVM Navigator about motion control from external application. I will k...
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [25]
You should just remove Set_Variables module from pipeline and then set NV_FORWARD variable from your external program and furthe...
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [39]
First you should just try to review my simple video tutorial "Route training and navigation by map" on your robot: ...
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [6]
What if you try to train with "AVM Quake 3 mod" for acquaintance with "Marker mode" and "Navigation by map" modes?
13 year 38 8002
AVM Map dont work [24]
I had in mind to check status before AVM Navigator in pipeline because after AVM module this value was changed:
13 year 38 8002

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