330 posts
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Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [11]
But key image size 80x80 is optimal for object recognition with AVM. Save your current recognition data and try to set 80x80 key...
12 year 10 3405
Roborealm suddenly crashes on windows7 [10]
Can you shoot video that shows how you provoke this error? It would help us in analyzing of this situation....
12 year 10 3003
Roborealm suddenly crashes on windows7 [7]
Thank you for information! I will take it into consideration in testing. ...
12 year 10 3003
Roborealm suddenly crashes on windows7 [4]
The v0.7.4.2 version has been discarded and so you can redownload previous AVM Navigator v0.7.4.1 for stable working. It will be...
12 year 10 3003
Roborealm suddenly crashes on windows7 [3]
1. Do you use new “Save recognized objects as JPG” option when crash happens? 2. How long RoboRealm application wo...
12 year 10 3003
saving an image of highlighted object [3]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.4.2 from your account link.
12 year 4 2796
AVM [9]
Here is an example of variables settings:...
12 year 8 2853
AVM [6]
No problem :) Just click "Set key image size (New)" button and answer "No" in the next dialog. Further set the...
12 year 8 2853
AVM [4]
Thank you for your request! I will be thinking over about it and will let you know when new update of AVM Navigator will be done...
12 year 8 2853
AVM [7]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.4.1 from your account link.
12 year 8 2853
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [14]
>> 1) Its easily follow the object I draw on the paper but it hard to follow an object such as pen, bottle cap.. How can I...
12 year 28 8732
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [11]
>> 1) How do you get -128 and 127 value? Is it the value from x and y coordinate.. The servo ...
12 year 28 8732
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [8]
My e-mail is: "mail.for.edv AT gmail.com" but it would be better to continue our discussion here ;-)
12 year 28 8732
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [6]
I also made couple of experiments with object tracking: ...
12 year 28 8732
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [17]
You already have present servo position value in "turret_v" variable and value of the next position too turret_v + 1 or turret...
12 year 28 8732
Pan Tilt arm + Robotis Dynamixel AX-12A [15]
I noticed also that the value of horizontal and vertical rotation step is only 1 (turret_h = turret_h + 1, turret_v = turret_v +...
12 year 28 8732
just in time debugger error [4]
You could also try AVM Navigator module for object recognition in your task: ...
12 year 7 2422
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [12]
This video ( http://youtu.be/bARDSW6c4cQ ) showed that all was wo...
12 year 25 6745
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [8]
What if you will try to make additional learning of your marker on the pendulum when it is on the two extreme ends?
12 year 25 6745
AVM Navigator Module Inaccurate? [6]
>> I am also worried as there are a lot more unwanted "New Objects" that are being recognized without learning them.
12 year 25 6745

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