just in time debugger error
flathead from Hungary  [5 posts]
12 year

I am just getting friendly with roborealm trial version, and it is really amazing.
But unfortunately, when I use the object recognition module, an error message usually comes up, and the roborealm quits.
This is the message:

Please help me! I want to buy roborealm, but if this error is permament, I cannot use it!

Thanks in advance,

flathead from Hungary  [5 posts] 12 year
another error code for the object recognition module:


EDV  [328 posts] 12 year
You could also try AVM Navigator module for object recognition in your task:

See also "Object tracking":
Anonymous 12 year

Be sure to have downloaded the most recent version and see if that helps with the problem. Just use the same link as before to download RR and you will get the most recent version. Install that over your current install.

If this continues, please post the c:\RoboRealm.log file that will be generated from this error. That contains information that helps us determine the problem.

flathead from Hungary  [5 posts] 12 year

I've downloaded the latest version, I am using roborealm for just about two weeks.
flathead from Hungary  [5 posts] 12 year
I've opened the log file, but it's quite long. Should I post it here, or may I send it via e-mail to you?
Anonymous 12 year
I've emailed you directly.


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