330 posts
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Face recognition progress [7]
See also topic: http://www.roborealm.com/
12 year 14 8378
Face recognition progress [14]
It is easy. You should just use "Object recognition mode" in AVM Navigator module. First clear the AVM search tr...
12 year 14 8378
Face recognition progress [6]
And what about AVM? It is already working: ht...
12 year 14 8378
boe bot and rr [5]
You should use "Scale Variable" module for this purpose: ...
12 year 4 2017
boe bot and rr [3]
There is an example of control AVM Navigator from external module like joystick: ...
12 year 4 2017
x and y coordinates [3]
>> 1. Why the total number of path on navigate mode is limited to 7? Historically first was d...
12 year 4 3546
x and y coordinates [5]
Arrow keys is important for route recording in "Marker mode" because it is signals for start of writing to AVM and also for od...
12 year 4 3546
Laser plus object plus center screen [3]
I think that this topic can be useful for your project: ...
13 year 2 1811
People counting [3]
What if you try to use DVR Clint-Server for this purpose? ...
13 year 3 1944
AVM Navigator with arduino [3]
>> I am currently using arduino romeo 328, what program i need to upload in arduino? Is there any sample program?
13 year 2 3193
Keyboard Module [3]
You can really use AVM Navigator (in "Nova gate mode") for this purpose ;-) Use for testing of arrow keys the fo...
13 year 2 1919
AVM Navigator variables [6]
I am just developer of AVM Navigator and I can clarify how to use this module or add some useful features to the new modificatio...
13 year 7 2479
AVM Navigator variables [4]
Also Navigator package was updated and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.3.2 from your account link.
13 year 7 2479
AVM Navigator variables [3]
You should use "Scale Variable" module: ...
13 year 7 2479
Clarrify licence ( 1st january 2012) [6]
The AVM Navigator is an additional module that is distributed along with RoboRealm and you can download it from your account lin...
13 year 5 2391
Can avm navigator be used on my own robot [3]
Yes, you should just find way how transmit control signals from AVM Navigator variables NV_TURRET_BALANCE, NV_L_MOTOR and NV_R_M...
13 year 2 2287
AVM Navigator & Parallax Control [5]
* Connect your robot to AVM Navigator Just use the variables that described below for connection of...
13 year 4 2515
AVM Navigator & Parallax Control [4]
How do you use servos instead running motors for moving of your vehicle? ...
13 year 4 2515
AVM Navigator & Parallax Control [3]
Can you provide more details that describe your problem? It would be nice if you will share some video that shows ...
13 year 4 2515
Sign Recognition [3]
I guess you could use AVM Navigator in "Object recognition" mode for this purpose. See "Sign detection and foll...
13 year 3 3664

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