330 posts
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Lane & Obstacle Detection [7]
Sorry but it was not my experiment I just found it accidentally :) But you could ask author of this work: ...
13 year 7 2747
for EDV [3]
Thank you for interest to AVM Navigator module and I hope that we of course will implement it on your robot ;)...
13 year 2 1790
AVM Navigator [4]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.2.2 from your account link.
13 year 5 3638
AVM Navigator [3]
I will take into consideration your request in next version of AVM Navigator. So, let's wait next Navigator modif...
13 year 5 3638
Controlled recording of images [3]
I think you could use DVR Server plugin for this task because it allows archiving parameters and video data simultaneously:
13 year 2 2073
Missile Launcher Tracking [16]
>> Thanks, I'll play around with it. So AVM Navigator is loaded when you load the vbscript right?
13 year 19 3384
Missile Launcher Tracking [14]
>> I'll load it up and try it. Which reminds me, where exactly do I load VBscript? First you...
13 year 19 3384
Missile Launcher Tracking [12]
However let's try another variant of VBScript program: ' Set the turret control variables
13 year 19 3384
Missile Launcher Tracking [10]
The AVM Navigator is an additional module that is distributed along with RoboRealm: ...
13 year 19 3384
Missile Launcher Tracking [8]
I think that this VBScript program is complete and it not needs in any changes. You can use variables TURRET_V_CONTROL and TURRE...
13 year 19 3384
Missile Launcher Tracking [20]
You just set up visual marks that will be associated with map location coordinates in "Marker mode" (but it not create any pat...
13 year 19 3384
Missile Launcher Tracking [6]
The source data for turret control is deviation of the object center from center of screen  (variables dX, dY). Furthe...
13 year 19 3384
Missile Launcher Tracking [4]
I think you could use AVM Navigator with VBScript program like this: ' Get turret control variable...
13 year 19 3384
Missile Launcher Tracking [18]
You can use emulator program (based on Quake 3 mod) for acquaintance with "Marker mode" and "Navigation by map" modes.
13 year 19 3384
Camera for RR [3]
I already have one and it work well: http://w...
13 year 2 2085
Roborealm and hexapod [22]
Move/Turn speed has an influence on values of motor control variables (NV_L_MOTOR, NV_R_MOTOR, NV_L_MOTOR_128 and NV_R_MOTOR_128...
13 year 71 6324
Roborealm and hexapod [18]
Valentina, Thank you for your enthusiasm! And you can find out more details about "...
13 year 71 6324
for EDV [3]
I hope that your robot assembling will turn out well and we will be able to go further with robot navigation.
13 year 3 1721
for EDTV [16]
>> But, when I hold down on the upward arrow and go right or left at the same time, it goes right or left forward.
13 year 16 2110
for EDTV [11]
>> In the mean time, could you give me an organized guess? What if you try to train with "AV...
13 year 16 2110

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