1530 posts
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EZRobot_Variables [2]
Justin, Glad we could help! The idea was that you could use Set_Variab...
9 year 2 1660
watch variables [8]
Max, I'm going to guess here but you probably don't realize that white is being tracked versus blac...
9 year 9 2558
Help required in getting variables data [2]
Either http://www.robor...
7 year 2 2005
Multiple Sample Color Modules [2]
You are correct in your usage of the Set_Variable module. That would be the way to "rename" a variable to another name such that...
5 year 2 2022
Measure Blob Size [3]
Yes, there are several ways to do this. First you can check out the blob_filter and specify a size that is greater than 1234 whi...
11 year 3 2024
FRC 2013 Double Tracking [3]
Assuming you have two techniques where one detects the target and the other the pyramid, you can trigger the detection of those ...
11 year 2 1671
too many modules slowing down processing? [3]
Aniko, If you post a sample image of what you are processing and the robo file we can have a closer...
11 year 4 1719
Display Line [3]
The first task would be to detect the rectangular object otherwise you don't know the bounds of the line (i.e. where it stops a...
11 year 6 3254
Statistics with a black picture [2]
That's correct. Most of the statistics being calculated (perhaps with the exception of Color) require some signal to be present...
10 year 2 1734
RR-RPi [2]
RR doesn't run on the Raspberry PI (different chipset) but it can interact with it remotely. For example, you can run an image ...
10 year 2 1554
FPS drops with multiple cameras housed within if tests modules [2]
Vince, While the IF statements will prevent an image from being used, it doesn't prevent the separ...
9 year 2 1577
Python in camera mode [2]
Thomas, Its always important to test for the presence of a result. The script will fail when no puz...
9 year 3 2995
Regarding Color Identification [2]
Its best to post some example images so we can better understand the context of what you are asking for. I would recommend revie...
8 year 2 1596
Line Scan Camera [2]
Dan, Yes, it is possible for RR to create a full image from a line scan camera. The easiest way is ...
5 year 2 2174
2D barcode [3]
Pete, Is that the resolution that you hope to use? Any chance you can use a higher resolution camer...
11 year 9 2970
line angle limit [3]
Dawson, Correct, there was a problem with the connection distance. This has been fixed in the most ...
10 year 4 1575
Write_Variables, changing Filename [2]
Yea, that's expected, it has to do with the Write Variables module not having a 'start' button so the module will run as you ...
10 year 2 2407
object recognition [2]
You would first get an example image that you can test your object recognition on. Note that the OR module works only with plana...
10 year 2 2774
how to use gpu for accelerate the recognition process [2]
Jean, Yes there is but it requires rewriting most of the way the modules work. For now, we have foc...
9 year 4 2270
Read_HTTP does not read static jpg [7]
Sascha, There were no changes to that module between those versions. You can check the version log:...
9 year 7 1545

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