Write_Variables, changing Filename
CubaMadre from Germany  [12 posts]
11 year
Hi STeven,

when I change the name of the destination filename then I will get a new file for every change of the name. e.g: the initial name is 'test.xml' and I change it to 'test.123.xml' then I'll get the following files:

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year
Yea, that's expected, it has to do with the Write Variables module not having a 'start' button so the module will run as you are typing. I'm assuming this isn't a real problem but just a strange anomaly. If you'd prefer not to have these generated, unclick the Run button while renaming which will remove this issue.

If we find others have an issue with this, we can always add a "start" button to the module.


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