1530 posts
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Kinect IR 320x240 [6]
Ok, so the known issue with 320x240 is actually with the RGB mode and not the IR mode. We tried what you describe in your first ...
11 year 6 3716
Kinect IR 320x240 [5]
We'll double check things tonight as I know there were issues in the past with that res on the IR camera.
11 year 6 3716
Xbee with Arduino [9]
Techdetect, It seems that you are well on your way to the right solution ... you just need a tidbit...
11 year 10 3689
RGB Filter [2]
Koby, Yes, surround both with the If_Statement module and use a variable to activate one and skip t...
10 year 4 3688
RGB Filter [4]
Koby, You'd change the variable based on some trigger (time, sensor, etc) which would then activat...
10 year 4 3688
Pothole detect [5]
Its better to purchase a calibrated system than using two cameras. Their solution seems quite good but I would ask them if they ...
8 year 11 3675
Pothole detect [3]
Farid, While it may be possible to classify 'potholes' using just vision alone it will take 1000's ...
8 year 11 3675
Pothole detect [8]
Yes, a lidar would be the best tool for this. The precision offered by a lidar will detect the pothole depressions. In fact, you...
8 year 11 3675
Fiducial Orientation. [2]
Daniel, Could you include a couple of the same images but without any text/green outline? Your imag...
11 year 5 3646
Fiducial Orientation. [4]
Daniel, Thanks for the source images. Turns out there was a problem with the size of the images. Be...
11 year 5 3646
Roborealm and Sabertooth 2x25 [10]
Andy, Another possibility is that the protocol has changed to the Sabertooth. We don't get informed...
9 year 11 3621
Roborealm and Sabertooth 2x25 [9]
Its possible then that the wiring of the USB cable to the Sabertooth might not be working. Another test you can try is to hook i...
9 year 11 3621
Roborealm and Sabertooth 2x25 [6]
Its possible then that the wiring of the USB cable to the Sabertooth might not be working. Another test you can try is to hook i...
9 year 11 3621
Roborealm and Sabertooth 2x25 [2]
Andy, 1. Have you tried the connection in a regular laptop? This is just to ensure that your wiring...
9 year 11 3621
Roborealm and Sabertooth 2x25 [4]
Andy, You are changing the dip switches to the correct configuration right? The RC mode will not wo...
9 year 11 3621
serial communication code [2]
Moods, Its a question of formatting. When you specify \255 in the serial interface it knows that be...
9 year 4 3606
Arduino Motor Control [4]
Just for clarification, you are adding this to the current UNO sketch that you uploaded or is this to be standalone? I.e. you ar...
9 year 12 3594
Arduino Motor Control [2]
You can't process images on the Arduino without additional hardware ... the code was written to work on a PC (there is a PC runn...
9 year 12 3594
Arduino Motor Control [8]
Yes, you would need 6 variables and an understanding of what motors need to do what in order to move as expected. I.e. in order ...
9 year 12 3594
Arduino Motor Control [10]
We can't really create a robofile that just 'works' without having physical access to your system. There are just too many unkno...
9 year 12 3594

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