1530 posts
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Basler Camera II [8]
Pete, There are a couple things we can try ... but it would be easiest to test those on the actual ...
9 year 17 4919
Basler Camera II [4]
Pete, Can you send us the Raw XML? You can paste it into this site's contact form and just send it...
9 year 17 4919
Basler Camera II [2]
Pete, Two possibilities here: 1. From what you describe, we had simi...
9 year 17 4919
Basler Camera II [15]
Pete, The configuration is being received because your system probably allows inbound traffic over ...
9 year 17 4919
USB HID Receive Data Error [5]
Thanks for the files. That always helps to understand the flow of information. We found a potential...
9 year 8 4857
USB HID Receive Data Error [8]
Was just trying to test this out with a couple other HID devices. There was an issue that was corrected so it is once again wort...
9 year 8 4857
USB HID Receive Data Error [3]
We tested this out just to see what information is sent when using \50 but it works as expected and didn't find any issues in th...
9 year 8 4857
Multi object tracking and triggering [10]
Aman, See the attached robofile which visits each of your green plants every couple seconds. Note t...
10 year 12 4686
Multi object tracking and triggering [5]
Ok, try the following instead: if GetVariable("SCRIPT_COUNT") = 0 then
10 year 12 4686
Multi object tracking and triggering [9]
Aman, The issue you are having has to do with how variables are used and how RoboRealm executes its...
10 year 12 4686
Multi object tracking and triggering [3]
Aman, That's to be expected (behaving erradically) since you are using the same variables for all ...
10 year 12 4686
Multi object tracking and triggering [13]
Aman, Instead of using the Blob Filter array you will need to use the Geometric Stats module to gen...
10 year 12 4686
Multi object tracking and triggering [7]
Aman, No, we intentionally used list(0) as I HIGHLY recommend you process one object at time. The p...
10 year 12 4686
writing order of X,Y coordnates in excel [2]
Robert, I think we understand the issue ... can you include a snippet of your robofile where you do...
11 year 2 4537
PTZ Foscam Object/ Motion tracking. [2]
D, Based on your image, you will see the VBScript module has relevant code in it to translate a joy...
8 year 3 4484
MRDS setup [3]
RoboBill, Can you confirm that you are using a 32 bit system? It seems that the dlls are having iss...
11 year 3 4421
VBScript to Serial Port Communication [2]
John, Not directly from the VBScript ... what you do is setup the appropriate variables in VBScript...
11 year 2 4282
Face detection [5]
Kamlesh, If you download the latest version we've added in a beta version of a face detection modu...
11 year 4 4165
pololu servo control via xbee [8]
Sparky, Try with just one servo to ensure that you don't have power issues.
10 year 11 4126
pololu servo control via xbee [6]
Yes, it does matter. You will need to ((x-500)*255)/2000 in order to convert from 500-2500 range to 0-255 range. ...
10 year 11 4126

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