1530 posts
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RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed [6]
Steve, Sounds good. Just to give you another option that you might be more familiar with, you menti...
11 year 17 3739
RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed [11]
Steve, Can you zip up your SPIN file and post it here? Zip should be able to get through. We have a...
11 year 17 3739
RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed [4]
Steve, Sounds good. I'll explain a bit more: The parens in
11 year 17 3739
RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed [2]
Steve, I assume you saw the SPIN code at ...
11 year 17 3739
RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed [9]
Its something along the lines of   BYTE myStore[1024]   myStore[0...
11 year 17 3739
RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed [15]
Steve, No worries, glad we could help resolve those issues. With regar...
11 year 17 3739
set intensity of Kinect-IR-Projector [3]
Liu, If you are seeing the Kinect and have installed the libusb drivers that option will be enabled...
11 year 2 3722
RobotC [2]
Brandon, This should be possible. What you will have to find out is what robotC has in terms of ser...
10 year 2 3721
Background always black with green screen [9]
You can use several ways ... since you are already sending the greenscreen module then save the script I sent and view it with a...
10 year 10 3714
Background always black with green screen [7]
The image specification doesn't work in the way that you are using it. The dropdown in the GreenScreen module is for directly c...
10 year 10 3714
Background always black with green screen [2]
Christophe, Can you post the image P1030086.jpg here? Most likely the loading of that image isn't ...
10 year 10 3714
Serial Communication Arduino Uno [2]
Muhammad, You would need some sort of communication module. In this case I added a serial module th...
7 year 5 3709
Serial Communication Arduino Uno [4]
What version of RoboRealm are you using? If RoboRealm is crashing, you should be getting a crash re...
7 year 5 3709
Tracking people by clothing [2]
Jeremy, There are a couple different ways of doing this. Can I assume that the camera that you are ...
8 year 3 3696
Xtion shows artifact in line mode [4]
Dave, Those black vertical lines would explain the spikes you are seeing in the line image. When yo...
11 year 5 3685
Xtion shows artifact in line mode [2]
Dave, Can you include the depth map image (in grayscale) so that we can check to see if there is so...
11 year 5 3685
Md49 integration and linux [2]
Zippo, As mentioned via email, a test MD49 controller is now present and worth testing. Also for th...
11 year 2 3683
Timer Random [8]
It is always best to post your robofile instead of typing it as text (you can press save button and call it something.robo and t...
11 year 8 3661
Timer Random [4]
Don't use sleep, set a variable and then test for that variable using the If Statement Module and exclude the rest of your pipe...
11 year 8 3661
Zmodo Cameras [4]
Yes, that should work. The "module" is already installed. What it is asking for are extra DLL libra...
7 year 5 3652

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