57 posts
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Socket Comminications
Hi STeven, Having some issues trying to communicate to RR via sockets.  I have a new RR s...
10 year 3 1978
RoboRio Port Info
Hi STeven, Here is information on the ports used by the roboRio, using the HTTP_read with a USB cam...
9 year 26 15632
ini file
Hi STeven, How does one create an ini file to be called when starting RR.  In the API doc...
10 year 4 1894
FRC Network table issue [2]
Hi Steven, Our team is trying to use network tables, we have been able to send data to the table fo...
10 year 20 7784
External camera feed
Hi STeven, Was not able to continue from the previous post as it does not show in the forums. ...
9 year 2 2326
Crash report on startup
Hi STeven, The message to send a crash report happens every time I open RR.  I have selec...
10 year 2 1787
Basler Camera II
Hi STeven, it has been awhile.  This is a continuation from a post from last year (see post Basler Camera).  ...
10 year 17 5129
Basler Camera
Hi STeven,  I have a Basler camera model piA2400-17gm and having a few issues.  RoboRealm sees the camera in...
10 year 3 2278
Barcode orientation
Hi STeven, Every thing is working real well for decoding the 2d matrix codes.  I'm about...
10 year 3 2497
Barcode decode anomaly
Hi STeven, I'm seeing something when using the barcode decode module.  What I have is an...
10 year 15 3612
2d decode
Hi STeven, Things have been working well with the 2d matrix decode module.  Just got a ne...
10 year 2 2361
2D barcode [2]
I was wondering if you are able to decode the attached 2d barcode image.  I see a selection in the Matching->barcod...
11 year 9 3073
2D barcode [4]
Hi Steve, I will have double check the image resolution sent.  What I have is a 5Meg camera with a image area of 2456x...
11 year 9 3073
2D barcode [9]
Hi Steven, it's been awhile but I have been able to confirm the DataMatrix option is working, thanks.  I still need t...
11 year 9 3073
2D barcode
Hi Steven, Here is a image of the actual parts at the actaul resolution, cropped to a coupled of parts....
11 year 9 3073
2D barcode [6]
Hi Steven, Here is a image of the actual parts at the actaul resolution, cropped to a coupled of parts.
11 year 9 3073
FRC Network table issue [4]
Hi Steven, Thanks for the quick response as you are aware building and programming a robot in 6 weeks is not a tr...
10 year 20 7784
FRC Network table issue [7]
Hi Steven, I have downloaded latest rev 2.48.26 and still have the problem.
10 year 20 7784
FRC Network table issue [8]
Hi Steve, Here is some addional information. When using the table view...
10 year 20 7784
Basler Camera II [3]
Hi STeven, I'm able to connect to the camera using the GenIcam module, but still having issues.&n...
10 year 17 5129

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