87 posts
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Geometric Stats Blob Array [2]
I'm using the geometric statistics with "individual blobs" option selected. It works great, giving me an array for each varia...
16 year 2 2037
Lynxmotion SSC control feedback [5]
I've downloaded the new version. Haven't had too much luck. When I run it, how can I get the feedback value, so that the progr...
16 year 7 4297
Lynxmotion SSC control feedback [2]
Is there any way to receive feedback from the lynxmotion SCC-32 through RoboRealm? I can do it through Matlab easily, but it wou...
16 year 7 4297
Lynxmotion SSC control feedback
Is it possible to get servo position feedback, so that one could know if the move has been completed and what position is the se...
16 year 7 4297
Recognize Auto-Signs [6]
Hej druze, This is probably how I would approach the challenge. Road signs you are after consist of...
16 year 5 2084
temporary image capture [2]
I am looking for a feature similar to video marker, but for a single image (snapshot). I have two ...
16 year 1 2046
image acquisition [4]
Hi, I think that I might have figured out a way to temporary store an image from a video source. T...
16 year 3 1869
image acquisition [2]
Hi, I am using this file to transmit a video stream over the internet to another PC (RR program). The video stream...
16 year 3 1869
distributor_server question [2]
When I set up a distributor server/client connection with another PC over internet (broadband), the video feed seems to struggle...
16 year 1 1904
ActiveX interface to RR [4]
I'm having a bit of trouble with the ActiveX control. I can't find the RR application ID or anything about RR and ActiveX. The...
15 year 7 3011
ActiveX interface to RR [3]
Hi Steven, Yes, I have previously use ActiveX to control a number of applications through MATLAB, a...
15 year 7 3011
ActiveX interface to RR
Hi, Is there a way of using ActiveX control for RR? I've done it for a number of applications, but...
15 year 7 3011
Image distributor server/client [2]
Hi, When I set up a distributor server/client configuration with another PC over the net, sometimes...
15 year 2 1849
Roborealm and MATLAB [7]
Hi Steven, I will look much more into MEX functions in MATLAB this week and try to figure it out as...
15 year 14 11118
Roborealm and MATLAB [5]
I think that that's a great idea, if it's possible to use Matlab. I would be really interested in such a possibility, as that ...
15 year 14 11118
counting the flames [3]
It sounds possible with a few modules 'exponential', 'threshold' and 'circles'. I would recom...
15 year 3 1885
Tracking a ball [3]
There will definitelly be frame rate issues, but anything is possible in a controlled environment. ...
15 year 3 2471
Distributor client, transmitting variables [9]
And here is the client program which is just the 'client modules' and 'watch_variables'...
15 year 21 2699
Distributor client, transmitting variables [22]
STeven, It works like a charm. Now I just need to find some time to put into actually making the ro...
15 year 21 2699
Distributor client, transmitting variables [8]
Steven, you're right about the missing 'end_distributor_client' part. I didn't expect it to go missing.
15 year 21 2699

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