186 posts
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OpenNI2 and RoboRealm not playing well together [3]
Brain, Unfortunately that's the case, there is no IR capabilities within the OpenNI toolkit as exis...
7 year 4 2401
lynxmotion ssc 32U not connecting [2]
Max, Not sure about if any drivers are needed and how the USB device looks to the PC. One would exp...
7 year 4 3002
Center of gravity [2]
Firdaus, There isn't anything more to explain. That's the formula! Perhaps you can ask what part of...
7 year 4 2445
Blob Recognition, Image Compare, or Feature? [4]
Thorin, The first task is to ensure that you can align one image with a previous one. This will the...
8 year 4 1970
Neato Lidar module - functional? data format? [4]
Billy, Thanks for letting us know. Yea, the lidar image creation is used in other modules with othe...
8 year 4 2225
vehicle counting [4]
Do you have an idea on what the large sticker or vehicle No. look like? Typically cameras that count vehicles are a bit too far ...
9 year 4 2862
Plastic tube image matching [4]
The line scan camera will do what I mentioned by taking the single (or couple) middle lines of the image (i.e. row or col depend...
8 year 4 1934
Image Matching variable not working [2]
Jaheer, I assume you have recorded images from when the robot turns? Keep in mind that as soon as t...
8 year 4 1950
If a Different Object Recognized= Different Robot Action [2]
There isn't a cut and paste script. Something you might consider is ...
8 year 4 2756
Roborealm and Sparkfun_Arduino Module [2]
Ali, You'd need to decide on which side the issue is. When you get the error, power down the Arduin...
8 year 3 2247
Angle of Line in Line_Probe output [3]
In most cases, you can also use an expression where you might just type in a number. For example: [...
7 year 3 2007
Eiting in kioskl mode [2]
Roland, That is correct. The window would not be accessible in the full window mode. What you can d...
5 year 3 2009
VCOMP120.DLL Error [2]
Gary, Its the 2013 redistributable (just confirmed on my machine):
8 year 3 1883
MicroSoft Life Cam - VX-500 [2]
Macker, When you say "will not hold" what happens when you select that size in the Camera Propertie...
7 year 3 6872
Laser scanner [2]
Dave, In your case, I would assume the robot is already large enough to carry a regular laptop ... ...
9 year 3 1996
Openni [2]
Dave, Yes, you can implement that with the Math module. Select "Show RGB and Save Depth as Marker" ...
9 year 3 1744
VB script [2]
Peter, You probably don't have the 'Create Object Array" checkbox set in the Object Recognition int...
7 year 3 1850
VB Script changes variable but not applying? [3]
Alec, The fps variable is mainly a read only variable. One can set it but it will immediately get o...
7 year 3 2375
Limit on images in object recognition module [2]
The limit is 1000 images on the Object Recognition module. But you'll probably never get that many ...
9 year 3 2693
Arduino Mega 2560 - Sparkfun [2]
Ahmad, Could you post your robofile with the VBScript modification? We can't tell how to solve the ...
9 year 3 2485

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