186 posts
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MicroUSB U451 board [2]
Tom, Can you confirm that you are running the x86 (32 bit) version of RR?
8 year 5 1989
Camera FPS vs Processing FPS [2]
Alec, Changing the cameras fps will change the amount of data being fed into the PC (typically) and...
7 year 5 2349
Switching between cameras and network tables [5]
That is certainly possible. Start simple, just get the values first being sent back for one image. Once you have that working it...
7 year 5 2323
Camera Settings [2]
Sriprada, Not saving the settings is a common issue in a lot of webcams. Try adding the Camera Prop...
8 year 5 1904
Switching between cameras and network tables [2]
How are you accessing the image? Using the webserver? It doesn't seem like your robofile would work...
7 year 5 2323
Reliable MCU communication [5]
Sergey, The serial receive sequence is just meant to match a simple serial protocol. If you have mo...
8 year 5 2354
Roborealm + Kuka Robot [2]
Victor, 1. Assuming you don't have any huge data requirements either Ethernet or Serial will be fin...
7 year 5 2110
how to detect knurling defects [5]
Alberto, You can just click on the link above (assuming you are in the forum) to download the robof...
8 year 5 3390
Detecting Thick Line Intersections [4]
Kevin, RoboRealm does have that sort of pattern matching but not in a way that is useful for you. I...
8 year 5 2492
Camera Settings [4]
Sriprada, There was a problem in that module. It was not setting the size correctly. On verificatio...
8 year 5 1904
Camera FPS vs Processing FPS [5]
Alec, Its worth downloading the latest version just in case the changes that accepted a decimal fps...
7 year 5 2349
AVM navigator and APM 2.5 [2]
1. Unfortunately, we've not had the opportunity to connect an APM to a laptop for the purpose of integration. I w...
9 year 5 2585
Blob Recognition, Image Compare, or Feature? [4]
Thorin, The first task is to ensure that you can align one image with a previous one. This will the...
7 year 4 1920
OpenNI2 and RoboRealm not playing well together [3]
Brain, Unfortunately that's the case, there is no IR capabilities within the OpenNI toolkit as exis...
7 year 4 2312
lynxmotion ssc 32U not connecting [2]
Max, Not sure about if any drivers are needed and how the USB device looks to the PC. One would exp...
7 year 4 2927
Center of gravity [2]
Firdaus, There isn't anything more to explain. That's the formula! Perhaps you can ask what part of...
7 year 4 2373
Neato Lidar module - functional? data format? [4]
Billy, Thanks for letting us know. Yea, the lidar image creation is used in other modules with othe...
8 year 4 2148
If a Different Object Recognized= Different Robot Action [2]
There isn't a cut and paste script. Something you might consider is ...
8 year 4 2698
vehicle counting [4]
Do you have an idea on what the large sticker or vehicle No. look like? Typically cameras that count vehicles are a bit too far ...
9 year 4 2802
Plastic tube image matching [4]
The line scan camera will do what I mentioned by taking the single (or couple) middle lines of the image (i.e. row or col depend...
8 year 4 1882

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