1530 posts
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Powe Down [2]
Steven, I assume you mean that the working file that it occasionally saves during execution gets co...
5 year 2 1992
Blob Location [2]
Steve, Probably the most convienent way is to use the Blob Filter module and select the Create Blob...
5 year 2 1767
PCTx and ROBOReal [2]
It used to be able to work with the PCTx device but if there is a newer version out it will most likely NOT work as the communic...
5 year 2 1864
rr.SetCOMType(1) [2]
Bob, when switching to the DLL you will NOT see any communication in the RoboRealm app anymore. The...
6 year 2 2043
Help with Roomba Program [2]
Most likely it will *not* work. The original module was written for a much older Roomba model which has probably been upgraded q...
6 year 2 1880
VB Script Module [2]
Untested and unsure if this is what you need but this might get you a bit further. Just add a VBScript module, stick the followi...
6 year 3 1966
Display charts in kiosk mode without options [2]
That module creates a CHART_VARIABLE image that can be displayed using the Display Image module in the main RR interface. I thin...
6 year 2 1815
Camera Bug [2]
Luke, are you using the DirectInput connection built into Windows or are you using the Genicam modu...
6 year 2 2569
Objects coordinates after shape match on conveyor [2]
Alicja, In order to have the robot pick up the part you would need to calculate the real world posi...
6 year 2 2330
Line Scan Camera [2]
Dan, Yes, it is possible for RR to create a full image from a line scan camera. The easiest way is ...
6 year 2 2308
Multiple Sample Color Modules [2]
You are correct in your usage of the Set_Variable module. That would be the way to "rename" a variable to another name such that...
6 year 2 2190
servo control [2]
There are a couple of reasons this might be happening. One is that not enough power is provided to the servo or servo controller...
6 year 2 2312
Analog Input [2]
Yes, you can type in a variable name next to that analog input in the Phidgets 888 module. That variable will then get the value...
6 year 2 2391
Missing hardware error when trying to run a Pololu Maestro over USB [3]
Thanks for letting us know ... we thought that the latest Maestro might have a different product ID than previous versions and w...
6 year 3 1733
Location of barcodes in image [2]
David, For 2D barcodes see the updated documentation for DataMatrix and QR Codes. There are variabl...
6 year 5 1744
Location of barcodes in image [4]
David, The system was just updated to include X, Y coordinates for 1D barcodes. See the documentati...
6 year 5 1744
Using the API server [9]
Danny, There should have been a Dim myListX() As Object
6 year 7 3218
Using the API server [4]
Danny, Try launching RR with the CTRL key held down ... that will cause it to reset and not connect...
6 year 7 3218
Using the API server [2]
You can find telnet on a number of sites if you want to continue with that route. Otherwise, just download the examples linked t...
6 year 7 3218
OCR Curved text [2]
Oscar, If the position of the wheel and the camera is fixed you can use various other modules to un...
6 year 8 3090

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