Camera Bug
Luke from United Kingdom  [2 posts]
7 year

I am using a Basler GigE camera in RR.

The software picks up the camera and can view the image, however, the ratio seems off and the picture really "zoomed in".

I tried to change the camera format settings in the options, but this causes the image to "squash" at the bottom of the screen and duplicate itself multiple times, which is a completely unusable, mash of pixels.

After trying to change the format options, I can't then change them back, as RR won't let me.

I'm also receiving "Device unplugged" error message a lot, which it isn't. RR states that this is due to the camera being used by another program, which again, is incorrect.

I have to then uninstall RR and reinstall it to get it to revert back to the original settings.

I'm on the commercial version (2.87.18).

Any help would be fantastic.


Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 6 year

are you using the DirectInput connection built into Windows or are you using the Genicam module? I'd recommend avoiding the DirectShow interface (i.e. makes it look like a webcam in Windows) since that interface has always caused problems. The reason the Genicam module exists is to circumvent that interface and provide a more direct approach to using machine vision cameras.




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