1530 posts
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Communication [2]
Bill, The best way is to use the Sparkfun_Arduino module. You will find the Sketch that you need to...
9 year 2 2628
Read_HTTP Timeout [2]
Cuba, We've added a timeout in the latest version. Note that this number is in milliseconds.
10 year 2 1764
2014 FRC First Time Vision Tracking [2]
Sebastian, You will want to look at the Network Tables module which will allow you to transmit the ...
10 year 2 1814
Roborealm on Raspberry PI [2]
Nope. Please see http://www.roboreal...
8 year 2 2688
RR-RPi [2]
RR doesn't run on the Raspberry PI (different chipset) but it can interact with it remotely. For example, you can run an image ...
10 year 2 1566
embryo detection [2]
I wouldn't use the RGB filter ... that implies that color is a distinguishing factor for this image which it isn't. Instead, can...
9 year 2 2593
DLL & OCR [2]
Maize, RoboRealm doesn't have a 'produce c/c++ code ability' but does have many other ways to inter...
8 year 2 2664
Stereo Sound [3]
While RoboRealm does not do much with audio, it is possible to generate two files with audio on the left or right speaker (you'...
11 year 2 1553
If statement [2]
Grant, Yes, there are many ways to do this but it depends on what you mean by "output". There are m...
6 year 2 1938
Multiple Images - then proccessing [2]
Vispacem, The problem that you've encountered is that you cannot stall the pipeline and get a new ...
9 year 2 2517
Labview Network Tables [2]
Where are you running the network tables? I.e. where is the server? Its most likely that RR is not connecting to the server corr...
10 year 2 2020
Variable control for sobel edge detection [3]
Dawson, You can probably use the normalization module after the low setting sobel to get the values...
11 year 2 1802
Media reader - Pause playback until current frame is processed in RR and API [2]
Once the Media Reader starts its Windows that is continuing to read in the movie file and send RR images. It will NOT wait for a...
6 year 2 2497
Failed to render streams [2]
In case others have the same issue ... the error is generated by the underlying DirectX Windows environment. What it basically m...
7 year 2 1557
How to overlay one pet [2]
Egido, Do you have an example of what you mean? Detecting and identifying animals isn't an easy tas...
8 year 2 2273
Recognition  center of object [2]
That module generates a couple variables like OBJECT_X_COORD and OBJECT_Y_COORD including an array of data that includes that da...
5 year 2 1707
Handwriting/Signature Detection/Extraction [2]
Eric, We've not done this under room conditions which is probably quite tricky to do. Given that u...
11 year 2 1549
Motors run after I close RR [2]
When RR disconnects with the Arduino the motors are set to neutral to avoid the problem you are describing. This number is 1500 ...
9 year 2 2292
Leddar [2]
Dave, They appear to offer a SDK with .Net and C libraries so it should be quite straightforward. C...
9 year 2 1590
VBscript error [2]
We used to have this issue in older Windows systems that did not have the VBScript component downloaded. You can try to download...
7 year 2 2073

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