1530 posts
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RoboRio Port Info [2]
Pete, While this is interesting the port number is only a small part of the issue. The bigger issue...
9 year 26 15822
RoboRio Port Info [26]
You can try downloading the latest version which has a couple more debugging statements that might help. You should try:
9 year 26 15822
RoboRio Port Info [13]
Pete(s), Thanks for the info. We're not as much concerned about the hardware as we are the software...
9 year 26 15822
RoboRio Port Info [8]
Pete, The zip just had the header files (.h) and was missing the .cpp files. Its looks encouraging ...
9 year 26 15822
RoboRio Port Info [10]
Pete, Thanks for that file. I seems that they are using jpeg images but with a couple bytes at the ...
9 year 26 15822
RoboRio Port Info [4]
Pete, That's good ... but can you post what that code is here or a link on the wpilib site that we ...
9 year 26 15822
RoboRio Port Info [15]
Pete, A trick from the previous years can even solve the one connection issue. Once the image is in...
9 year 26 15822
RoboRio Port Info [22]
Tony & NT, Do you happen to have the source code for what you are installing on the robot? Its very...
9 year 26 15822
Red background white circle tracking [2]
Can you post a couple images or perhaps a video? Also if you can include your current robofile that...
11 year 9 9146
Red background white circle tracking [4]
Image? STeven....
11 year 9 9146
Red background white circle tracking [9]
You may also want to take a couple shots from the side. The frontal view will probably work fine with one configuration that wil...
11 year 9 9146
Red background white circle tracking [8]
Can you untoggle the Run button, click Save and type something.jpg and then upload that image? Its ...
11 year 9 9146
Red background white circle tracking [6]
Sorry, I should have been more specific. Can you post an image of a TEST image that you are trying this on. I.e. some guy with t...
11 year 9 9146
Wireless Camera Recommendation [5]
Steve, Good job so far!! You're almost there indeed. Try
11 year 10 9013
Wireless Camera Recommendation [2]
Steve, Since you seem to have a handle on embedded devices, I'd go with a regular webcam of my cho...
11 year 10 9013
FRC Network table issue [9]
Pete, Thanks for the information. It does seem to point to something within the C++ version of the ...
10 year 20 7927
FRC Network table issue [12]
Pete, Thanks for the detailed analysis. That's very helpful to have context to the problem.
10 year 20 7927
FRC Network table issue [19]
Pete, Another data item, the CRio C++ WPILib was updated to fix an array bug in the Network Tables ...
10 year 20 7927
FRC Network table issue [6]
Pete, After some testing on how things get started there is another problem that might effect your ...
10 year 20 7927
FRC Network table issue [5]
Pete, Thanks for the information. Could you post the NetworkTAbles related C code so that we can tr...
10 year 20 7927

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