How to overlay one pet
raulegido from Spain  [5 posts]
9 year
Hi, i would like to know how would be possible to make a text overline over a pet, a dog for example. How can i do that?

I´m looking for a solution who can solve this problem, not just for one pet but for more than one. Having in mind that those are animals, i can put codes or anything printed over them, maybe some kind of tag which will be identified later on by roborealm? i don´t know

If you have any idea just let me know.

Thanks a lot in advance
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 9 year

Do you have an example of what you mean? Detecting and identifying animals isn't an easy task so I wanted to be sure about what you are asking.


Its certainly possible to add a fiducial to a dog tag (assuming it can be seen) which can be used to identify your dog ... but I'm not sure a cat would really like that.


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