Labview Network Tables
upf from United States  [1 posts]
11 year
Labview 2013 for FRC 2014 has SmartDashboard. However, we are having problems  trying to figure out how to setup RoboRealm Network Tables Module to work with Labviews Network tables. We currently have three variables showing in Labview Dashboard Checkbox 1, Checkbox 2 and Slider 1. Roborealm variables are not showing up. Also the Roborealm Network tables module displays nothing in the recive section of the network table.

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year
Where are you running the network tables? I.e. where is the server? Its most likely that RR is not connecting to the server correctly which would account for the lack of information. We used the tableviewer that comes with the sunspot install and set that up as a server as apposed to just a viewer and everything seems fine. So most likely the connection information is not correct.


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