1530 posts
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How detecting abondoned objects [2]
Cuba, The movement detection module is probably the best one use for detecting abandoned objects. <...
10 year 2 2279
displaying a number [2]
Roland, You mentioned a different solution on another thread (loading in actual image digits as nee...
2 year 2 1770
RoboRealm resolution [2]
Yes, it appears that your camera is wanting to use the mjpg image format when sending the higher resolution image (which makes s...
2 year 2 1041
Remembering USB Camera [2]
Yes, that's one of the reasons the module exists. It will send the required settings to the camera when rerun to ensure the came...
8 year 2 2126
Interfacing Photon FASTCAM [2]
Those are nice cameras! Do you know what they transmit over the network? Perhaps the HTTP_READ module will work if you happen to...
10 year 2 1577
FRC SmartDashboard Problem [2]
James, What url are you giving the SmartDashboard? Just the basic ...
7 year 2 1923
OSC from script [2]
Foo, You can't send it directly from the VBScript module but you can create a variable that either ...
8 year 2 2427
Test Module [2]
Thomas, Thanks for mentioning that. We've added a 'test button' selection in the list to allow for ...
8 year 2 2453
variable [3]
Pierrick, That shouldn't happen (the appending) but based on they way you have configured your rob...
11 year 2 1558
object recognition [2]
You would first get an example image that you can test your object recognition on. Note that the OR module works only with plana...
10 year 2 2781
X, Y List variable [2]
Lev, The X,Y list should be coordinates of a grid/checkboard that you have already processed in som...
7 year 2 2655
Integration of RoboRealm DLL library [2]
1. Get that running in the GUI app first. 2. Save to something.robo 3....
8 year 2 1602
Write variables [2]
Daan, This is certainly possible. If you use the Geometric Statistics module that will create an ar...
10 year 2 2566
loadProgram from Visual Basic [2]
Its likely that the path is not correct ... note that the double \\\\ (which the forum may have added) are C/CSharp syntax so ma...
10 year 2 1560
Reload image [2]
Seem to be working now. Since you are using the root of the D drive, it may not have worked since if you don't have write access...
8 year 2 2480
Edge Detection for laser trimming [3]
Michael, You must be a cat person? Yes, something along those lines ca...
11 year 2 1638
Movement Strobe use [2]
Josh, Not sure if you included a robofile or not but it seems to be missing in the post.
7 year 2 1647
Communicating  the presence of a blob to Arduino [2]
Zehan, Attached is a robofile that should help you along the way. The trick is to eliminate any goo...
7 year 2 2233
second tab issues [2]
Thanks for the test file. This should be fixed in v2.56.9. STeven....
10 year 2 1627
Copy Cut and Paste [2]
While not perfect, you can select a module, press CTRL-C and then jump to a different tab, or instance and press CTRL-V which wi...
9 year 2 1763

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