Multiple Images - then proccessing
Vispacem from Germany  [2 posts]
10 year
Hi RR-team,

I'm close to being entirely happy - just one problem remains unsolved - yet.

I'd like to take first e.g. 5 images in short intervals (100 miliseconds for example), then start processing.

I tried to save a picture in a marker (revert to "USB camera"), then wait, save the next marker, wait again, etc.
It appears that by this approach, all five images will be the same. Is RR drawing in one picture at the start of the "main" script and will "hold" it until the next start of "main"?
Did I get it right, that the "last" image is the result of the predecessing main-cycle (without overlays) and "source" is the image drawn in at the beginning of a new main-cycle?
Where is the difference between "source" and "USB camera" (...in my case...) image?

I tried a lot of different things like timers, calls, VB script... but no success till now.

Could you give me a hint how to approach this problem?

Thanks a lot in advance and best regards,

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 10 year

The problem that you've encountered is that you cannot stall the pipeline and get a new image in the meantime. Only new images are captured when the pipleline cycles. So you have to think of it more like a state machine. In your case you have to save snapshots at the right time into memory using the Marker module. See the attached. It will save image1 to image5 in about 90 ms (assuming 30 fps) into memory and also display the sequence using the Mosaic module.


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