68 posts
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See Variable in View_Variables not correct in VB [2]
In my pipeline I have 2 sections of image  process. On the second process I use the Blob_Filter with the...
11 year 1 1608
AVI [2]
I am having a problem using the load avi or save avi modules. I get an error on read that says "Pl...
12 year 2 3023
Speak within an if Statement
Hi, I seem to have a problem with an If statement. When I place Speak within the If statement , no speech is heard...
8 year 2 2263
Read Http crash [4]
Hi Steven I was trying to take the stream off Image Salsa run on another computer on the Lan. I can...
12 year 3 1736
Detection of Circular Aluminum Disk on Grass [3]
Hi Chris. I am working on a similar usage unfortunately my shapes (boats) vari in angle and shape. H...
12 year 3 3496
See Variable in View_Variables not correct in VB [2]
Sorry forgot to attach the Robo file. Please could you help me understand what I have done wrong. <...
11 year 3 2010
Cropping problems [3]
Hi Steven, Thanks for your speedy response, much appreciated. I will download the upd...
10 year 3 2895
Servo 2500-0 to 180-0 VBscript [3]
Thanks STeven, Missed that one, exactly what I need. Thanks John...
6 year 3 1992
Read Http crash [2]
I am having problems on the Lan. I select Read Http and which is a mjpeg...
12 year 3 1736
Cropping problems
I have just downloaded the Robo update and experiencing some funny effects on the Crop Module. When...
10 year 3 2895
Servo 2500-0 to 180-0 VBscript
I found one of your example camera blob tracking robo files and is very near for my requirements. one problem for ...
6 year 3 1992
Reduce amount of Write Image [4]
Hi Rud, Never thought of that, very nice idea. I will give it a try tomorrow, as you ...
11 year 3 2584
Reduce amount of Write Image [2]
Hi Steven, I have attached my Robo file, I would like save every 10th picture written to file.
11 year 3 2584
Start Pipeline with speech [3]
Part sorted, I enveloped the pipeline within an "if "statement using a robo file you had previously posted...I would have neve...
11 year 3 2800
Start Pipeline with speech [2]
I wish to start the RR pipeline when  I say "Start" but not sure of the VB syntax to use that stops the pipeline unt...
11 year 3 2800
use one of two cropped windows [3]
Should mention, the variables could be string or numeric which ever is easiest it is is even possible,
12 year 3 1873
Auto start Write Image on starting of RR [2]
Hi, Can  the "Write Image" auto start when RR is started without manually pressing Star...
11 year 3 2688
Auto start Write Image on starting of RR [4]
It was me................RR is fine.........:-) Thanks John...
11 year 3 2688
use one of two cropped windows [2]
hi Steven, Is there a way to choose a cropped window from a choice of two...
12 year 3 1873
See Variable in View_Variables not correct in VB [3]
I had a eureka moment..I think! Previously the "2" I saw in the Blobs  VB I think must ...
11 year 3 2010

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