68 posts
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Handshake on serial data [2]
Hi, I am using the RR server and passing key button action using the default "move" variable to m...
12 year 6 2604
Defect Detection of No. Plate [7]
Sorry I sent you the wrong file, it was an earlier version I was playing with.. Now this is very much near what I ...
11 year 7 4171
Defect Detection of No. Plate [6]
Hi, I have been playing with a system not to far removed from your problem and I have been playing with part of my...
11 year 7 4171
AVM Navigator input sources
Hi Steven, No, taken of the web,  this video source works with no problems with other mod...
12 year 8 2416
AVM [8]
Just downloaded and looking forward to using the upgrade, thanks John...
12 year 8 2783
AVM Navigator input sources [2]
Hi, Just experimenting with AVM. Does AVM allow video inputs from the Read_HTTP , whe...
12 year 8 2416
AVM [5]
Thanks for the very quick response, much appreciated... Really impressed and I hope it may work in ...
12 year 8 2783
AVM [3]
Forgot to add, if an object goes out of view can the recognition box be stopped rather than carried over onto the out of range v...
12 year 8 2783
AVM [2]
Hi, Is it possible to just show the object name only rather than both the object name and highlight box..also can ...
12 year 8 2783
AVM Navigator input sources [9]
Hi Steven, One problem solved, I reloaded AVM and works great.. Just t...
12 year 8 2416
AVM Navigator input sources [6]
AVM works OK with a usb cam no problem. As I mentioned just certain video feeds that are an issue.. ...
12 year 8 2416
AVM Navigator input sources [4]
Hi Steven, No, taken of the web,  this video source works with no problems with other mod...
12 year 8 2416
image recognistion with response [7]
Hi Steven, Thanks for you interest in my problem, it is much appreciated. You have nearly got it in ...
12 year 9 2162
image recognistion with response [5]
I have found a couple of screenshots from last year, one is the zoomed view I use for pausing, the other shows an unzoomed view ...
12 year 9 2162
image recognistion with response [4]
Hi, Thanks for such a quick response. I will try and explain what I built and what it does.
12 year 9 2162
image recognistion with response [2]
Hi, I am new to Roborealm and knocking on a bit so treat me gently.. My problem is that I need to id...
12 year 9 2162
Delete arrghh [9]
Thanks Steven, the back-up, problem solving and RD is fantastic.. Great product!
11 year 9 2087
image recognistion with response [10]
Hi Steven, Thanks for putting  me on the right track . Today I tuned the fi...
12 year 9 2162
Delete arrghh [4]
Hi Steven, Redo/Undo would be a great boon as most of my button mistakes are done in the wee hours and that is the...
11 year 9 2087
image recognistion with response [9]
Hi Steven, Ignore the size of object  in the last Post as I have seen and played with Blo...
12 year 9 2162

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