Start Pipeline with speech John Wood from United Kingdom [67 posts] |
11 year
I wish to start the RR pipeline when I say "Start" but not sure of the VB syntax to use that stops the pipeline until the Start variable is matched.
John Wood from United Kingdom [67 posts] |
11 year
Part sorted, I enveloped the pipeline within an "if "statement using a robo file you had previously posted...I would have never have worked out which modules to use.
It starts great on the Start command but stops on any other sound.
Is there a way to stopping the pipe saying "Stop"
So I require say "Start" to start and "Stop" to stop and this could be followed by Start etc.... so a toggle effect is required with just the two commands.
Steven Gentner from United States [1446 posts] |
11 year
See the attached which uses a quick VBScript module to check the listen results and sets the pipeline appropriately based on if it is active or not. No change is made unless something known is recognized.