5053 threads
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Working with multiple tabs
Hi, I use one tab for each color I want to track from a webcam. For each color, I want to send its...
8 year 2 2134
lynxmotion ssc 32U not connecting
Hi, We are experiencing some major trouble connecting the Lynxmotion module to the COM port.
8 year 4 3096
Switching between cameras and network tables
I am having an issue with my program. The goal is to be able to switch between cameras at the push of a button on my joystick. I...
8 year 5 2456
Angle of Line in Line_Probe output
The output of a Line_Probe is an array PROBED_LINES. How would one use information in the array with Calculate_Ang...
8 year 3 2079
In the FIRST FRC game for 2017 there are two targets. In your tutorials, you document two examples to process the target for the...
8 year 2 2300
Line Pattern variables
The documentation for Line_Pattern says that there are 8 variables returned.  When I use the module and examine the re...
8 year 2 2143
Pipeline with network tables?
How would you go about running your robofile in roborealm API through java for frc?...
8 year 2 2165
is the cog height variable missing?
When I look at Set_Variables I cant seem to find a variable that tells ou the height and width of the COG box.  Was th...
8 year 2 2407
Distorted image - grid marking reading
Have an image [Grid reading.jpg] of a paper. Since real paper is not flat as expected but bent image of that paper is distorted....
8 year 2 2235
Usage of MCU Module with Arduino Mega
Hello, I am currently working on a project involving controlling a submersible (the BlueROV from Bl...
8 year 1 2177
multiples cog with same colour
i would like to require on how to generate multiple cog of blobs with same colour.thanks in advance...
8 year 2 1996
Camera FPS through xml
Hello, I am using RoboRealm xml to communicate. I am able to set compression (compres...
8 year 4 2049
Camera FPS vs Processing FPS
Hello, Is there a difference when changing processing FPS (through"other" tab) or camera FPS (throu...
8 year 5 2505
Screen Capture
Hi can your product visually obtain and stream out the numeric number of the small block located on my screen It will always be ...
8 year 3 2120
VB Script changes variable but not applying?
I was able to create VB Script to change FPS variable but it doesn't seemed to apply.. under "Avaliable variables -> FPS" in ...
8 year 3 2467
VBScript sleep command
Hi, I'm running on a slow PC and I need to slow the framerate of the camera.  However, I'...
8 year 2 2135
Slamtec RPLidar implementation
Hello! I am trying to use a Slamtec RPLidar with Roborealm, but can't seem to get it to work. When I plug in the l...
8 year 2 2496
Raspberry Pi to Roborealm
27.12.2016 Hello, I am considering running RoboRealm on a PC and sending Camera data from the RPi t...
8 year 1 1970
Finding Coordinates on Feature of Blob
I have recently started using your software and would like to find the exact point that the two points of a corn ...
8 year 6 2301
Center of Gravity
I'm a student from Malaysia, currently I'm studying the behaviour of the fish by using the roborealm software. One of the parame...
8 year 2 2458

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