

The Mosaic module demonstrates the multi-camera functionality of RoboRealm in that each camera can be configured to occupy a certain block within an image mosaic. Using the Mosaic module you can arrange each camera in a lightbox type arrangement of your choosing.



1. Composition - Select the appropriate image to display in the corresponding block within the composed mosaic image. The default selections are

Source - the source image that was initially loaded into RoboRealm
Current - the currently processed image within RoboRealm
CameraX - a list of attached and active USB camera devices
MarkerX - a list of created marker images using the Marker module. The Marker labels represent images at the time markers were created. If you wish to process the image at a certain point within the image processing pipeline create a marker at that point. The marker will then be included in the dropdown image list.

2. Image Size - Select the size of each of the images to be used in the mosaic image. This will auto-populate the width and height sizes below.

3. Resize - Select the scaling technique that is to be used. Pixel resize is faster and is sharper than other techniques but can cause jaggered edges on high contrast lines. Bilinear resize will use linear interpolation to determine the actual resulting pixel values. This technique is slower but will create smoother more pleasing results.

4. Aspect Ratio - While editing either the pixel size or percent size the module will adjust the width and height to keep the same aspect ratio. To remove this restriction uncheck the "Maintain Aspect Ratio" checkbox.


4 camera view2 camera view

The above example shows 4 cameras looking at the Lego Mindstorms RCX robot. Note the color and quality difference between the images. The second image shows a larger two camera view of the same scene (scaled down for web viewing).

Note - multi-camera view is ONLY available for DirectX compatible devices. VFW does not generically support multiple camera devices and is therefore not compatible with using more than one camera at a time.

Speed considerations

For large images you may want to ensure that the resulting image size per composite block is a factor of 2 of the original image. Scaling by a factor of 2 will result in better performance and higher quality results (i.e. for factors of 2 pixel and bilinear modes produce the same results).

See Also

Linear Scanner
Display Image
Align Image

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