Mosaic Function
Danh from United States  [79 posts]
14 year

The 240x180 Image Size for Mosaic doesn't appear to show images properly - there is some type of weird distortion. The other settings work fine.
Anonymous 14 year
This was most likely due to the original size of the image that you are scaling down.

We've updated that module to better handle different images sizes (it was written back when image sizes were very much factors of 2) so that it avoids creating the blank black space inbetween images when irregular sizes are used. Regardless, try to still use scale factors of two (i.e. if your image is 640x480 use a block size of 160x120 since they are factors of 2 in size as this scales very quickly). There again, if speed is not an issue then feel free to use any size you'd like.

Thanks for the note!

v 2.30.9 has this update.


Danh from United States  [79 posts] 14 year

I also noticed that the Mosaic allows up to a 4x4 window grid but the Display Variables only allows for displaying text in a 3x3 window grid.

thanks for the updates
Anonymous 14 year

I assume then you are trying to use the Display Variables to overlay text ontop of each of the images created via the Mosaic? Are you using all 16 images? The Display Variable uses a left, center, right concept since it may or may not be used with the Mosaic module (typically just used to overlay text in a single image) so the layout is more fluid than the mosaic layout.

Just trying to get an idea of how you'd like to use both modules to see what may make sense (i.e. reduce Mosaic to 3x3 or enhance Display module or just use Display Text module).

Danh from United States  [79 posts] 14 year

I have a 4x2 grid in the mosaic mode and would like 4 labels on the first and 4 labels on the second row of images. On a monitor with 1920 x 1080 resolution having this 4x2 configuration works out well. If I use Display Text will the text automatically scale their spacing if I change the Mosaic image size?

Anonymous 14 year

That makes sense! As the Display_Variable is already quite a large GUI we instead updated the Display_Text module which adds two new position properties. You can now specify the 9 relative positions for text (which doesn't really help you) but you can also specify percent position for X and Y. So if you have a 4x2 grid you can specify the first text at 12%, 45% the next at 37%, 45%, etc adding 25 to the X. The next two would then be at Y 95%. Since these are specified as percentages of the total image size if you change the size in the Mosaic module the text will auto-align correctly assuming the 4x2 layout is preserved.

While do as easy as the Display_Variable it should work.

Does that help?

v2.30.9 has this module update.

Anonymous 14 year

I just downloaded v2.30.9. I must be blind because I don't see any new changes in the display_text module.

Anonymous 14 year

I see the Display Text changes now after re downloading.  In playing with the properties I noticed that RoboRealm will crash if the Text Data comes from the Text Variable drop down box with Mouse_X or Mouse_Y selected.

Anonymous 14 year

Thanks ... there was an issue with numbered variables. This has been fixed in the most recent version.

Thanks for the note!


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