13 posts
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Crash Reporting on Each Startup
Whenever I open v2.67.4, I see a prompt to send a crash report, although no crash had occured.  Maybe a crash indicato...
10 year 2 2041
adding center off range to joystick control [4]
When implementing a DEADBAND filter for joysticks, you have to consider that any value outside the deadband area (usually a squa...
14 year 4 4412
How select high speed camera in RR [3]
Camera Link is not supported in RoboRealm.  The reason for this is most likely that these type of cameras are very exp...
16 year 3 2168
RR Web Interface Broken? [2]
I just installed RR and the web interface is no longer responsive.  Just wondering if anyone else noticed thi...
16 year 3 2121
Using "SPEAK" interactively via HTML Camera Interface [6]
Ooops!  This method only works in Internet Explorer!  Anybody know a better way to make this more widely com...
16 year 7 2259
Using "SPEAK" interactively via HTML Camera Interface [5]
If anyone want to check it out, here is the link: ...
16 year 7 2259
Using "SPEAK" interactively via HTML Camera Interface [4]
Ok.  I got it! <tr>   <td align=center>
16 year 7 2259
Using "SPEAK" interactively via HTML Camera Interface [3]
Here is what I have been trying to do: <tr>   <td a...
16 year 7 2259
Using "SPEAK" interactively via HTML Camera Interface [2]
I wrote a script to generate audio when the camera is moved via the web interface ("Down!", "Up!", etc...), and made some co...
16 year 7 2259
Using "SPEAK" interactively via HTML Camera Interface [7]
<tr>   <td colspan=2 align=center>     <input type="te...
16 year 7 2259
Virtual Keyboard [6]
Assuming that the simple keyboard can consist of a single horizontal row of keys, you could implement a binary system using the ...
17 year 13 3785
Tree Identification [3]
"Trying to identify" is a little vague.  Do you need to detect the presence of the tree in the scene?  Do ...
17 year 6 2277
Parallel Port Stepper Control [2]
It seems like I'm not seeing all the parallel port bits in the drop down list. The board I'm usin...
17 year 1 2412

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