31 posts
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when robofile is reopened... [2]
I saved my work as a robofile. When I reopen it, it loads the wrong files. I have renamed the orig...
11 year 2 2069
using a counter for setvariable [2]
I would like to SetVariable "left_motor" and "right_motor" until e.g. the robot moves 3m forward and then turns right then f...
11 year 2 1526
Set Display_Image and Play_Wav as variables [2]
Is it possible to set Display_Image and Play_Wav as variables that can be controlled by VBScript ? For example, when the robot s...
11 year 4 1853
screen recording [2]
Is it possible to record the screen as a movie? I can use third-party software but is it possible t...
11 year 3 3034
RoboRealm for TurtleBot [2]
This is a tip for those who want to use RoboRealm to control TurtleBot. The power supply for Kinect is secured by a code kinect_...
11 year 1 1695
read the datetime [2]
Is it possible to read the date and time as a variable value? Thank you very much. ...
11 year 2 1553
object recognition with Kinect [2]
Kinect provides both depth information and rgb information. (1) What is the best module to analyze...
11 year 2 3275
Object Recognition - Any Idea
I am looking for a method to distinguish a toy baby as shown in the attached image. Cannot use color since it is the same as hum...
11 year 3 2520
my robofile is hidden [2]
I can open my robofile from RoboRealm, but when I go to the Example folder I cannot see it. Please help.
11 year 3 1741
keyboard driving irobot create [2]
The keyboard driving robofile for Roomba does not work with Create. Can someone provide a Create version? Thank you very much....
11 year 2 1592
irobot create auto move [2]
I am trying to move the irobot create using VBScript SetVariable "left_motor", 118 ...
11 year 3 2516
Encourage users to answer questions [2]
Steven should think of a way to encourage users to answer the questions by other users ;-) ...
11 year 2 1926
Object trackng school project [3]
What kind of robot do you have ? In my case, I use Logicool c920 webcam and iRobot Create wheelbase...
11 year 6 2783
Object Recognition with more objects [3]
Object_Name returns only the name of the largest object, but all other objects are stored in the Objects array. You need to tick...
11 year 14 3856
Object trackng school project [6]
I don't know about arduino. Only find this: ...
11 year 6 2783
Object Recognition with more objects [5]
If you run the previous code, you should see the name of all found objects, right? The names of the...
11 year 14 3856
keyboard driving irobot create [3]
Just found that the robofile is available here: http:/...
11 year 2 1592
using a counter for setvariable [3]
I shall try to use SetTimedVariable and follow ...
11 year 2 1526
read the datetime [3]
Please ignore this question. I am just thinking about an easy way to control the timing of actions....
11 year 2 1553
Set Display_Image and Play_Wav as variables [3]
How can I load multiple images and display one of them as controlled by vbscript? The documentation is unclear. Can anyone help ...
11 year 4 1853

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