1530 posts
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Center of gravity [4]
1. The COG_X accumulates a value after each pixel is processed. If you are not familiar with programming languages that would ex...
7 year 4 2267
How detecting abondoned objects [2]
Cuba, The movement detection module is probably the best one use for detecting abandoned objects. <...
10 year 2 2270
Hough Transform - Angles [2]
Thanks for your notes. There were a couple issues that we resolved with the latest version (just uploaded). Can you download tha...
10 year 2 2271
roomba + openwrt [2]
It does now (just released). See ...
10 year 2 2272
Motors run after I close RR [2]
When RR disconnects with the Arduino the motors are set to neutral to avoid the problem you are describing. This number is 1500 ...
9 year 2 2277
VBS [2]
WScript isn't exactly VBScript. Try Dim objShell Set objShell = Creat...
8 year 3 2278
line [4]
Ok, thanks for the clarification, it pays to be very specific when asking questions. Perhaps the following will give you an exam...
8 year 4 2279
line [2]
Fernando, I'm not 100% sure what you are asking. If you had an example image that might be easier t...
8 year 4 2279
save data to file [2]
Couple options: http://...
9 year 2 2279
aperture [2]
Sounds like you are looking for a custom mask in paint and then apply that to the image. You can us...
10 year 2 2281
Windows 8 RT [5]
Cool! Thanks for the info. If you hear about any other news with respect to Windows RT please post it here!
11 year 5 2284
Windows 8 RT [3]
Danh, Actually the architecture is quite different and would require a porting of the app ... not a...
11 year 5 2284
Dynamically displaying an image into a current image [2]
Vince, Once you have the filename that you want to display you can set that into a variable (lets c...
10 year 4 2284
Display Text Module [2]
Nemanya, The variable selection was built to deal correctly with arrays ... but this has been updat...
10 year 2 2286
Reconnect to camera when lost connection? [8]
Its conflicting with DirectShow. Avoid using the Camera button and ensure that this is untoggled before exit. Then restart (the ...
6 year 9 2286
Reconnect to camera when lost connection? [6]
I would avoid using DirectShow as much as possible. If you have problems with the Genicam module (which is not uncommon since ev...
6 year 9 2286
Reconnect to camera when lost connection? [4]
Alec, Assuming you are using the Genicam module, that will auto reconnect if possible (i.e. the con...
6 year 9 2286
Reconnect to camera when lost connection? [2]
What camera/connection are you using? A webcam? Internet cam? GigE cam? STeven. ...
6 year 9 2286
Blob Recognition [2]
Saby, Thanks for the images. We found a couple GUI issues in that module and have fixed those. If y...
8 year 2 2288
Write Images Module and Timer Module [2]
See the attached. The +5 in the Set_Variable module is what is setting the 5 seconds ... you can increase that as needed.
4 year 2 2294

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