Dynamically displaying an image into a current image
10 year
I understand that I can combine load image and display image to display a picture onto the current scene.  I would like to do this dynamically in which a random image is loaded and displayed at random times and random locations.  I know how to use VB script to read file paths into a variable.  The part I am stuck on his how to set the image information into a generic variable that the display image module can see. I tried to use the Load_Image module and have it load all the image files in the folder but apparently this module does not create an array of the images.  So do I need to create my own array and modify  the IMAGE_LABEL, IMAGE_PATH and IMAGE_FILENAME?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year

Once you have the filename that you want to display you can set that into a variable (lets call it filename_to_load) and then in a load image module use [filename_to_load] as the filename (just type it in). The module recognizes that '[' and ']' means get the value of the filename from within that variable. When you then set the image to load as a marker (you can specify the name) you can then use the display_image module to show that loaded marker image somewhere in the main display. Note this '[' and ']' trick is also understood by all other modules so if you find that you need a value generated from somewhere else to be used, just wrap [] around a variable with that value.

Anonymous 10 year
Thanks this is just what I needed

Nana111 from United States  [3 posts] 10 year
Hi there
I am a green hand in image processing area.And it is a little bit complicated for me to load the image or display the image in a code or some other method.So i have add this image tool:
But it can not work with my window 8 setup.Is there any other recommendation?
Thanks a lot

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