Motors run after I close RR Anonymous |
9 year
I am working on object tracking. All i am doing is when the object is detected, the motors for going forward switch on etc. I am using Sparkfun_arduino module to get the PWM!!
The issue is when i quit RR one of the motor starts rotating at full speed (I am using BLDC motors), i am unable to debug that, could you tell me what the issue is. Plz help!!
Thanks in advance!!
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
9 year
When RR disconnects with the Arduino the motors are set to neutral to avoid the problem you are describing. This number is 1500 and set in the g_defaultServo array in the Arduino Sketch. Most likely, this default servo number isn' the right one for your motors. You will need to modify the Arduino Sketch to include a number that does make sense for your motors ... i.e. change that value to what you motors consider neutral.
Note this is a change to the Arduino code and NOT RoboRealm.