1530 posts
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Get 2 variables from Serial to arduino? [2]
You can do this several ways, the easiest is just to use an IF_Statement module in RR to set your distance to zero based on the ...
11 year 3 2161
Using variables to load specific files [2]
Have you tried to reconstruct the path using something like ['c:\Known\Path\To\Training'+OBJECT_FI...
9 year 3 2261
AXIS Camera Select [2]
Bernie, The Axis is an IP camera and as such doesn't have a DirectShow interface like webcams do wh...
8 year 3 2440
3 camera output on single screen [2]
Amardeep, There are several ways to accomplish this. The easiest is to use the Mosaic module which ...
2 year 3 1599
only save images when commanded over network? [2]
Doug, This is possible to do. You can surround the Write_Images with an If Statement module and set...
7 year 3 1849
AVM Navigator [2]
The AVM module was a 3rd party module that we don't have any control over in terms of development. There are other modules that ...
8 year 3 2577
Java - Get RGB Values Fom Image [2]
You should be able to use the getImage API function to get the image from RoboRealm into Java. I'm not sure where you are using...
10 year 3 2213
PTZ Foscam Object/ Motion tracking. [2]
D, Based on your image, you will see the VBScript module has relevant code in it to translate a joy...
8 year 3 4485
Depth sensor to RR [3]
Pool photo attached.
8 year 3 1622
detect white  color? [3]
To detect black color, use the Negative module just before the RGB Filter and then detect white as mentioned above.
8 year 3 2906
Changes in the image [2]
Lev, See the attached. Note the images are scaled to 320x240 since in these cases of pixel comparis...
8 year 3 2158
Zone -passing [2]
Calin, Because you have some wires in the image in front of where the cars would be that can move/s...
8 year 3 1670
Script and image Count [3]
Yes, there is a maximum, it will be a signed 32 bit number or 2,147,483,647. If that is exceeded the number will probably jump n...
11 year 3 1985
Blob filtration based on logic [2]
Dawson, It seems that blob 2 is actually closer to X than blob1 .. but if we lower the X mark then ...
10 year 3 2664
importing other robo files into the call module [2]
Dawson, The current version has checkboxes in the open and save dialogs to allow for that. See if t...
10 year 3 1827
Auto start Write Image on starting of RR [3]
John, If you exit or save the robofile while it is writing image, it should load back up as running...
11 year 3 2532
Distributor Client and Server do not maintain connection [2]
We just checked both modules and they appear to be working as expected. What most likely is happening is some unknown variable t...
9 year 3 1618
Permanent Crash reports [2]
Thanks, those issues should be removed. We had added some additional overzealous crash reporting to attempt to catch some of the...
9 year 3 1578
API in Visual Studio 2010 [3]
Ron, That happens when a function calls itself too many times (among other possibilities). Not sure...
10 year 3 1879
screen recording [4]
David, This is partially possible. You can use the Screen_Capture module and the Write_AVI module (...
11 year 3 3015

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