Get 2 variables from Serial to arduino?
11 year
Hey guys,

Need some help, i got my robot to move using COGX to track left and right movement. Now i need to use Box_SIZE to know how far away the item is so the robot will move until the box_size hits a certain number. Right now im using the serial module to send the serial to my arduino which controller my motors using a motor driver. I need to know how to send 2 variables now. both cog_x and box_size. Here is my code so far.

int ENA=5;//connected to Arduino's port 5(output pwm)
int IN1=10;//connected to Arduino's port 2
int IN2=3;//connected to Arduino's port 3
int ENB=6;//connected to Arduino's port 6(output pwm)
int IN3=11;//connected to Arduino's port 4
int IN4=9;//connected to Arduino's port 7
int rled = 13;
int lled = 12;

byte distance;
void setup(void)
Serial.begin(9600); // begin serial communication
digitalWrite(ENB,LOW);//stop driving
digitalWrite(IN2,LOW);//setting motorA's directon
digitalWrite(IN4,LOW);//setting motorB's directon

void loop(void)
   if (Serial.available()>0)
         distance = Serial.read(); // read in the next byte
          if(distance > 0 && distance < 50)
          else if (distance > 100)
          else if(distance > 49 && distance < 101)
         else if (distance == 0 || distance == -1)


void brake()

void left()

void right()
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year
You can do this several ways, the easiest is just to use an IF_Statement module in RR to set your distance to zero based on the size of the BOX_SIZE variable ... then when 0 gets sent to the MCU it will stop.

The other possibility is to modify the Serial module to send both variables and instead use

distance = Serial.read(); // read in the next byte
box = Serial.read(); // read in the next byte

which will work as long as the box size is < 256. If it can get larger, you can use \\[COG_BOX_SIZE] in the serial module and

box1 = Serial.read(); // read in the next byte
box2 = Serial.read(); // read in the next byte
box3 = Serial.read(); // read in the next byte
box4 = Serial.read(); // read in the next byte
box = box1 | (box2<<8) | (box3<<16) | (box4<<24)

assuming you declared box as long. Alternatively, just use


which would reduce the allowed range by a factor of four since you probably don't need the resolution. This would then compact 0 to 1024 into the range of 0 to 255. Just be sure to *4 on the MCU size if you want the actual size.

You can download the Sketch in the Sparkfun Arduino or Communicator modules to see more processing programming as examples.

Anonymous 11 year
steven thank you so much, your a very big help.

Really appreciate it

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