1530 posts
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Visual basic interface [6]
Dave, The first parameter is the name of the image. There are 2 default names "source" (the origi...
10 year 7 3244
Tracking Black Objects [4]
I would just detect the gray/black directly (skip the green conversion since that's not really needed) and filter based on the ...
10 year 4 3401
Tracking Black Objects [2]
Do you have an example image? STeven....
10 year 4 3401
Xtion shows artifact in line mode [4]
Dave, Those black vertical lines would explain the spikes you are seeing in the line image. When yo...
10 year 5 3470
Xtion shows artifact in line mode [2]
Dave, Can you include the depth map image (in grayscale) so that we can check to see if there is so...
10 year 5 3470
writing order of X,Y coordnates in excel [2]
Robert, I think we understand the issue ... can you include a snippet of your robofile where you do...
10 year 2 4531
RoboteQ module [2]
Darrell, No, I doubt we will hear from them. In the meantime, what basic functionality are you look...
10 year 2 3421
Java - Get RGB Values Fom Image [2]
You should be able to use the getImage API function to get the image from RoboRealm into Java. I'm not sure where you are using...
10 year 3 2210
What robots did you start out using? [2]
Nancy, Typically its recommended that most folks start out with a kit as that helps you avoid the c...
10 year 2 1793
object recognition [2]
Annika, The COG will detect the object but will not give you the bounds information that you need. ...
10 year 4 2644
object recognition [4]
Have a look at the attached. Uses the blob filter to remove smaller objects and create the needed center coordinate. It assumes ...
10 year 4 2644
Distributor Client Cancel Bug [2]
Agreed, that is annoying! This has just been fixed in 2.50.41. STeven....
10 year 2 1545
Truncating or rounding displayed variables [4]
Bernard, You can force it into a string to specify exactly how many decimal points you see. Assumin...
10 year 4 2765
Truncating or rounding displayed variables [2]
Bernard, Yes, if you use something like x = (float)((int)(x*100.0f))/1...
10 year 4 2765
Follow specific blob, delete all other distoritions [2]
Can you post a couple images or perhaps a video? Also if you can include your current robofile that...
10 year 2 1519
Robot Localization !!! [2]
I'm not sure that you really want what you are asking for ... but see the attached robofile. That will define robot_x, robot_y,...
10 year 2 2491
masking [2]
Roland, Actually I think you have it ... the problem is that RoboRealm treats black as being off or...
10 year 4 3281
masking [4]
Roland, have a look at the Load_Image module used in that robofile I posted. That's where you load in an image that then popula...
10 year 4 3281
Move if-statements more easily. [2]
Spencer, Thanks for the note. We did find an issue when you drag the modules so I'll assume that w...
10 year 2 2514
Stereo (stereoscopic) Vision object detection [2]
Brenden, There are a couple of possibilities. You can certainly try using the Stereo module to get ...
10 year 7 4982

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