330 posts
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Training Time [8]
See "Route Recorder" for details: ...
13 year 7 2470
Controlled recording of images [3]
I think you could use DVR Server plugin for this task because it allows archiving parameters and video data simultaneously:
13 year 2 2210
Spykee arrow key control [2]
Just try to use variables "NV_L_MOTOR_128" and "NV_R_MOTOR_128" in motor control of Erector Spykee....
10 year 15 2644
Face Matching [18]
I updated "AVM_SDK_simple-net.zip" file and now it has the same "avm061.dll" that have AVM Navigator plugin. So, you should ...
12 year 19 10030
Now AVM is working faster [48]
I see the progress in your experiments. Keep it up the good work! Now you have navigation like in t...
12 year 117 22573
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [5]
Now additional training from JPG images is possible only by hand with helping “Load image” and “Scale image” modules. You should...
12 year 10 3429
Spykee arrow key control [4]
I think you should to convert values of  "NV_L_MOTOR" and "NV_R_MOTOR" ("-100 " - full power backwards, "100" ...
10 year 15 2644
AVM navigator:navigation by map obstacle [3]
How does work obstacle avoidance algorithm? The robot processes the motion history of input images ...
13 year 7 3836
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [7]
You could try to use higher resolution of video camera (for example 960x720 pixels) for more scale possibility of eye object....
12 year 10 3429
AVM navigator:navigation by map obstacle [4]
I plan to share some emulator program (based on Quake 3 mod) for acquaintance with "Marker mode" and "Navigation by map" mod...
13 year 7 3836
Now AVM is working faster [50]
I used NetTop Qoo (Intel Atom 230 1600Mhz) in my experiments with AVM Navigator and all has worked just fine.
12 year 117 22573
To EDV [3]
It is easy. You should just switch AVM Navigator to "Watching mode" and further you should show motion gesture by your hand to...
13 year 5 2235
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [9]
What key image size do you use (80x80 or less)? Try to use default value that will set if you click...
12 year 10 3429
Clearing recognition data [2]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.5.1 from your account link.
11 year 2 2978
Tracking an object using AVM [6]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.5.1 from your account link.
11 year 14 4005
AVM and a joystick for training [2]
Look into these topics: http://w...
11 year 2 2588
Spykee arrow key control [6]
No, sorry, I don't have time for it. But I can try to help you in this thread....
10 year 15 2644
Face Matching [20]
The “avm061.dll” file is the implementation of AVM algorithm (it is provided an object recognition only).
12 year 19 10030
Spykee arrow key control [8]
Okay, can you manually check values for motor control of Erector Spykee? Which values should be set...
10 year 15 2644
To EDV [5]
>> Is there a mode that the robot can Navigate without being trained? The "Watching mode" i...
13 year 5 2235

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