330 posts
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Now AVM is working faster [15]
Okay, let’s I try by myself ;) I have switched off running motors of my robot and now it is just Ne...
12 year 117 22378
Automatically image learning [3]
The AVM Navigator makes easy a training process on new images: ...
13 year 14 4418
Now AVM is working faster [17]
Thank you for your video! I noticed several mistakes in your experiments with AVM Navigator:
12 year 117 22378
Now AVM is working faster [75]
1. Now I see that you had in mind the camera view of the navigator dialog window ;-) For example we...
12 year 117 22378
AVM roborealm Object Recognition and watching mode [2]
No, it is not. The watching mode was developed for robot navigation only. But you could use "Learn...
10 year 2 2138
Fixed Tracking [8]
You can try to use AVM for object tracking (face, eye, mouth): ...
13 year 7 2188
Using AVM to go to a location, perform a task, then go to another [3]
>> Recognize an object and drive the robot to its location using AVM (10-15 feet away) Well, ...
13 year 2 2723
Now AVM is working faster [19]
First try to repeat your experiment with AVM Navigator without arduino (only laptop with integrated camera).
12 year 117 22378
Object Tracking And Triggering [4]
You can try to use AVM Navigator for recognition: ...
14 year 3 2453
Lane & Obstacle Detection [3]
I think it can be useful in your project: htt...
13 year 7 2836
Now AVM is working faster [78]
The similarity rate parameter is showing the degree of similarity of a recognized object to model of object image that was store...
12 year 117 22378
to EDV [3]
I worked over "AVM Quake 3 mod" during last month. It can be useful for users that now will have possibility of acquaintance w...
13 year 4 1865
Lane & Obstacle Detection [5]
Quote from [ http://www.sampson-jeff.com/ro...
13 year 7 2836
PC Robot Vision Queston [4]
You can use AVM Navigator plugin for object recognition and tracking: ...
12 year 4 2387
pixel detection [2]
You could find out more about avm061.dll  here: ...
11 year 2 1777
Lane & Obstacle Detection [7]
Sorry but it was not my experiment I just found it accidentally :) But you could ask author of this work: ...
13 year 7 2836
PC Robot Vision Queston [5]
Perhaps the robot navigation can be also interesting for you (AVM Navigator in “Navigation by map” mode): ...
12 year 4 2387
Eye Tracking [9]
>> 3. Is it possible to use AVM plugin (Navigator) directly within Roborealm for eye tracking and Turret PTU camera positi...
13 year 15 5637
AVM Navigator input sources [5]
Unfortunately but I did not test AVM Navigator module on Windows 7 64-bit (it was tested only on win32 platforms).
12 year 8 2449
Detecting black and white circles [8]
I see much imposter (erroneous) recognition when marker is not presented in eyeshot. But this technique may be also convenient f...
14 year 8 5957

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