330 posts
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Tracking an object using AVM [12]
It's interestingly. And can you show some results (demo video, pictures etc)?...
11 year 14 3998
Laser plus object plus center screen [3]
I think that this topic can be useful for your project: ...
13 year 2 1872
Now AVM is working faster [59]
Picture of RoboRealm pipeline: <...
12 year 117 22561
Object tracking [3]
I added “Learn from motion” option to “Object recognition” mode and you should download RoboRealm package with new AVM Navigator...
12 year 13 6649
Now AVM is working faster [60]
If you will be able to show that the Arduino module is the cause of pipeline delay by visual demonstration then RoboRealm Team w...
12 year 117 22561
AVM Enquiring [3]
I think you should look into this thread: ...
12 year 3 1980
AVM Map dont work [19]
The next AVM Navigator update is in progress. I inform you when it will be done....
13 year 38 8155
AVM Map dont work [20]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.2.3 from your account link.
13 year 38 8155
Now AVM is working faster [64]
It looks much better :) What variables you use for robot control [NV_L_MOTOR and NV_R_MOTOR] or [NV...
12 year 117 22561
AVM Map dont work [22]
Can you insert "Contents\\Variable\\Watch_Variable" module before AVM Navigator module and check value of NV_FORWARD variable ...
13 year 38 8155
for EDV [3]
Thank you for interest to AVM Navigator module and I hope that we of course will implement it on your robot ;)...
13 year 2 1908
AVM. How to know the next waypoint X,Y coordinate [2]
I added new variables NV_WAYPOINT_X and NV_WAYPOINT_Y to the next version of AVM Navigator plugin but this version is not update...
11 year 3 5544
AVM Navigator variables [9]
Fred, The AVM algorithm is invariant to illumination level but if it is allocated evenly. If source...
13 year 22 6579
AVM Map dont work [24]
I had in mind to check status before AVM Navigator in pipeline because after AVM module this value was changed:
13 year 38 8155
AVM Navigator variables [10]
Also algorithm AVM automatically makes additionally training on the objects within object tracking (learning is indicated by the...
13 year 22 6579
AVM Map dont work [25]
You should just remove Set_Variables module from pipeline and then set NV_FORWARD variable from your external program and furthe...
13 year 38 8155
avm [5]
But servo would be better solution for camera turning because it participates in initial localization of "Marker mode" and "N...
13 year 6 2398
please help to make face/body folower for DV cam rotation head [3]
I think that you could use AVM module for this purpose: ...
13 year 7 4207
avm [7]
In dialog window of RoboRealm "Lego NXT" module there is "Servos" page. So, if you have lot of servos amounting to your NXT ...
13 year 6 2398
moving dancer [2]
You could use motion detection for such task: ...
11 year 10 2420

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